golden ticket member
I still want Voter ID !!!!! I think it's essential to curb the voter fraud.Ah. Once it hits home, you jump off the crazy train.
If that's crazy, then I'm full blown pazzo !
I still want Voter ID !!!!! I think it's essential to curb the voter fraud.Ah. Once it hits home, you jump off the crazy train.
I still want Voter ID !!!!! I think it's essential to curb the voter fraud.
If that's crazy, then I'm full blown pazzo !
I still want Voter ID !!!!! I think it's essential to curb the voter fraud.
If that's crazy, then I'm full blown pazzo !
I might go along with that except my hubby found where the medicare folks were counted as were the social security receivers even though we paid into it all our working lives. That would mean that over 65's couldn't vote.
He found it on a gov't site and under welfare there was no separation....
That, sir, is pathetic. But go on. why?
Quartzsite, Ariz., is the town that gained national attention last June when police grabbed a woman who was speaking at a town-council meeting and frogmarched her from the event.
The 2012 municipal election took place May 15, but the old town council in Quartzsite has since refused to seat Ed Foster as mayor and Mark Orgeron as councilman.
“The mayor is no longer the mayor of the town, and cannot legitimately exercise the powers of office, and the vice mayor is no longer the vice mayor of the town or a member of the town council and cannot legitimately exercise the powers of office,”
“We have proof that there were (three) people who were dead who voted,”
Honestly anyone who accepts any kind of welfare based assistance should have to forfeit their voting privileges.
Oh, then you missed the one where the white guy walked into Eric Holder's polling place and was given a ballot for an Eric questions asked, no ID required.WHere is the voter fraud? Where are all these cases of voter fraud?
You repeat whatever is placed in front of you. The GOP continues to cry "falsely" about voter fraud in attempts to suppress democratic voters, you run with it.
There have been thousands of legit voters in florida removed by the voter purging law who are not dead or illegal aliens, but the GOP needs to get them off the rolls quickly and make hit hard to get back on the rolls.
Anything to win.
........."Look, Quartzsite, a desert crap-hole on the way out of Arizona is a worthless dirt lot with a population of approx. 3500 people..............." (TOS)
Are the residents of that town pieces of crap too ?? Who do you think you are.....TOS (tower of )
Again, who are you to judge ??????Americas most wanted would have a field day canvassing through the RV's, run down campers and tents that occupy Quartzsite. In most cases, YES, the town is full of dengenerates.
Again, who are you to judge ??????
You could've lived there for 25 years and been related to every resident BUT it still doesn't give you the right to judge them!!!Someone who has been to quartzsite hundreds of times. I know the area quite well. I dont live in a bubble relying on a cable news network for my opinions on our country.
Someone who has been to quartzsite hundreds of times. I know the area quite well. I dont live in a bubble relying on a cable news network for my opinions on our country.
Now why would a fine, upstanding person like you venture to a land of degenerates "hundreds of times", yet judge and degrade those same people?
Same reason you listen to Fox?
I ride all over the country, visit all kinds of S-h*t holes in every state. There is no shortage of degenerates in the USA. Who do you think lives in a 77 chevy pickup with a beat up camper on it?
Rush Limbaugh?
Do you Google "**** holes in (fill in state name)" or do you follow the trash home when they leave Walmart?
When you travel the country on a motorcycle, you stop in many places along the way. Sometimes, its a scene straight out of deliverance and others its a mayberry RFD, It is what it is bro, I dont create the scenes, I just pass through them.