Want the real scoop on FredEx?


brown observer

Oh Yeah! We got these brownies all fired up! Nah! We like the pace we are going at. We have a better infrastructure than you have. Our supply chain services are second to none. If you guys can't handle the responsibility..............step aside. Again your 1st qtr numbers has little effect on your stock, I hear you may reach $100.00 by 2015..by then we'll be at the $200.00 mark.

I hope you guys fix your internal problems before its too late..Just ask DHL!

And for the guy who thinks we only carry 5 envelopes a day..we're a 31 billion company..look at it this way. Express is more lucrative than ground, we don't need to do 14 mil pkgs a day. Better hold on to that, its the only thing you're guys are adequate at (barely).


Well-Known Member
hmmmm, thats why your handing ups your volume in air fool. since air is more money than ground why the hell is your ceo pushing ground so much now....especially before 97 he said that fedex would never get into ground since the margins wernt as good. Its because fedex express was not going anywhere. If you think fedex is going to shut down ups , you are smoking crack kid. Thats the same thing the post office said. The only thing that is keeping fedex above water is the partnership with the post office...and fedex freight, which wont be seeing so much growth now since UPS FREIGHT is going to be taking volume from fedex and yellow...guaranteed.


Well-Known Member
havent been on in a few days. I see you have a few post directed to me. There is no big deal that Fedex has 9 more weekly flights to China than UPS. You are correct in that there are many companies operating in China. Fedex has been there since 1984, many years before UPS. You bring up Fedex Express volume again. Last month there was a article on Netscape that ranked the worlds largest freight airports in the world. Fedex had 3 hubs in the top 10 including number (1) in Memphis TN. UPS's air hub in Louisville KY which is your largest hub came in (11). I also noticed that UPS daily volume in Louisville was less then half of what our Memphis hub is doing. Both companies are going to do very well in China and India. There is alot of growth potential for everyone.

I find it ironic that you accuse me of posting under a different screen name. I thought I was the one who questioned you and worldwide/tieguy for switching back and forth between screen names. I have worldwide/tieguy IP address from back before the Brown cafe had changed its format. I had you pegged from your similar post from your (other) screen name and of course you were the only person to call me Michael instead of Monte. I dont blame you you guys for trying to manipulate the members on this site. If you cant back up your point under one screen name and get frustrated you can always switch. I have my own faults also, I dont check my spelling before posting. Sometimes we just have to except our fellow Cafe members weaknesses.


Well-Known Member
I changed my screen name because it was getting boring. I never used two at one time. There are hundreds of different people on here daily, although only a handful post. Does freight mean heavy freight or small package....lets get it right, Im not sure about it. I call you michael because its more "personal" and I think you like it, its not a big deal. I think im mellowing out at my old age of 32. I read somewhere where ups is the largest in china maybe not by number of flights but ill post a link to it in a while.
first of all fedex will always add numbers they will say 31 billion they made 29 billion last year UPS 42 aliittle more. UPS and Fedex will both be here in 2015 and Ups will still make more. Take a minute and think DHL wants you both gone and is getting money from the German government They are bigger in Europe and china. And will pay any price to stop you both they said they would takeover America that has not happened.Smile both UPS and Fedex theres plenty for everyone. Have a nice day both of you i work for none of you. But my wife and son work for UPS.


Well-Known Member
Launches Direct Flights to Europe; Adds Flights in Shanghai and Qingdao

SHANGHAI, April 6, 2006 - UPS (NYSE:UPS) today announced the start of direct air service from Shanghai to Europe along with the addition of three new flights connecting Shanghai to the U.S. and another new flight between Qingdao and Incheon, Korea. "UPS now flies to more points in China than any other U.S. airline, freight or passenger," said David Abney, president, International Operations. "These new flights are part of our strategy to expand our service options, stay ahead of customer needs and solidify our position as the leader in the world's fastest growing market."
UPS will utilize MD-11 aircraft to fly from Shanghai to Cologne five times a week. In addition to the new service to Europe, UPS has added three new frequencies on its Shanghai-U.S. route, increasing to nine times per week the number of non-stop flights on that lane. The number of UPS flights into Qingdao, a major port and manufacturing center, now has increased to six per week.
The airline's growth is part of a broader effort to accelerate global trade and offer new service options to customers. Already the world's largest package delivery service and among the largest of logistics companies, UPS in recent months has doubled the size of its air hub in Cologne, Germany; begun expanding its network reach inside China and Japan; expanded its intra-Asia air hub in the Philippines; is nearing completion of a new 425,000-square-foot freight and logistics hub in Singapore; is developing a new air hub in Shanghai, and has re-engineered its U.S. ground network to accelerate the delivery of more than half-a-million packages every day.
Last year, UPS became the first carrier in the industry to acquire direct control of its operations inside China. That move came at a time when China export volume surged 50% over 2004. Export volume for all of Asia jumped almost 30% in 2005. Today, UPS provides customers in China with wide access to markets in China, Asia and around the world by operating a network of 194 flights per week.
The company also launched a domestic express package service inside China last year. And just last month, the company expanded its international express service to 22 more business locations in China, bringing to 330 the number cities served in the country. Those cities account for roughly 85% of China's international trade. UPS China currently operates 75 facilities, deploys more than 1,400 vehicles and employs more than 4,000 people. Later this year, UPS plans to enter the retail sector in Shanghai by introducing UPS Express Centers to provide customers with more service options.
UPS also is stepping up its work as the Official Logistics and Express Delivery sponsor of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. In this capacity, UPS provides logistics consultation and assistance to Beijing's organizing committee. UPS also will provide express delivery services to all venues specified by the organizing committee for the duration of the Games. UPS Supply Chain Solutions opened seven new logistics facilities in China in 2005 and is constructing additional facilities this year.
"It's a given that the pace of business just keeps accelerating and you have to work hard to keep up," said Mike Eskew, UPS's chairman and CEO. "But what makes me so proud of this organization is that at a time of record growth, the men and women of UPS not only are keeping up but raising the competitive bar and building capabilities that will ensure the highest levels of customer service for decades to come."
UPS is the world's largest package delivery company and a global leader in supply chain services, offering an extensive range of options for synchronizing the movement of goods, information and funds. Headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., UPS serves more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. UPS's stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange (UPS), and the company can be found on the Web at UPS.com.
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Well-Known Member
FedEx#1 said:
It's purple and blue ya brown skid mark. FedEx's stock is rockin', we are getting old Ups accounts doing the customers right, and we are going to take over the industry. Yeah, we are on a great big roll and there ain't nothing UPS can do but sit there and wonder why. Life is good working for FedEx. It beats working for a company that reminds me of a big brown turd.
I thought it was purple and orange.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Hey what's up everyone? I've been on and off thise board under serveral different names since 2000 and whenever this topic would come up I'd always jump in and point out the fact that you really can't compare UPS to Fed Ex. We go out with a truck jammed full of packages that are air and ground and we can barely even sort through the load while across town the Fed Ex guys are leaving their station with trucks full of...or should I say...half empty with air that probably don't weigh much more than they did before they were loaded. Fed Ex quite simply is an alternative at best. Fed Ex Ground (RPS in Disguise) is a joke and isn't even worth arguing about. I was working there when they supposedly changed to Fed Ex. Believe me the only thing that happened (as far as service is concerned) is that RPS was rebranded to Fed Ex Ground. That is it. Months after the rebranding started I couldn't see any changes within the infracture of the company. The drivers were mainly bitching about having to change their uniforms and vans but nothing else changed. Customers get frustrated with the new Fed Ex Express/ Fed Ex Ground team because it's a hassle if you want to ship air and ground with Fed Ex. Customers try it and realize very quickly that service wise it is still two different companys. Many customers have told me that the reason they had tried Fed Ex Ground was to save that buck or two less in the long run and realized later that you get what you pay for and went back to UPS. An account with air and ground just wasn't worth the hassle with Fed Ex so they'd come back to UPS. That is the main advantage we have over Fed Ex Express and their "SISTER" company. It's like trying to date twins. One of them is a nice looking girl and smart and all but the other is a goofy screw up. Having both of them is a hassle because the goofy one is always tagging along so you get rid of both of them but remain friends just in case you occasionally get mad at the new, better girl that replaced the two of them. Sounds like UPS and Fed Ex. Sorry Guys.....you are simply an alternative.

Oh yeah....we also make more money than you guys do. As individuals and as a company. :D


Active Member
This thread is too damn funny......arguing with ****EX is like arguing with a child!!!!!! They always think they are right and better, even though the numbers clearly support UPS's side!
They are just jealous cause they can never work as hard as UPS does....while UPS employees go home to their nice homes and the EX boys go home to the crappy 1 bedroom apartments:tongue_sm


Active Member
fed x could never buy ups. as ups could never buy fed x . the government would never allow it. I see them as two big companies with the same big goal ....big profit/ who is bettor?? i for one dont care. if one could buy the other i wouldnt care. but it is impossible. i work for ups and have several friends at fed x . we are just people working for big companies . i for one hope they both do well.

Ups North Georgia

To people who say Fedex stock is better....Ups has a payout ratio of 36.00 and Fedex is only 8.00. Keep that in Mind. See college does pay off.


Well-Known Member
Ups North Georgia said:
To people who say Fedex stock is better....Ups has a payout ratio of 36.00 and Fedex is only 8.00. Keep that in Mind. See college does pay off.

You are correct in that measure but then try this. Take $1000 for each stock back to the day UPS went public and purchase $1000 worth of each company stock. Now come forward to today, with dividends and all and then tell me who is ahead?:ohmy:

You can split hairs, you can say they lie, cheat and steal, you can say whatever but on that bottomline they've beat us. Either admit it or maybe you were like me and some others and have holdings in both companies. It's called being diversified and all the smart money managers just rave about it. Take off the brown glasses and try putting some other eggs in your basket and those glasses are guaranteed to change colors all on their own!


Active Member
I'm not really sure why DHL even gets into the conversation. They have nothing more then a media existence really in America all they did was repaint those crappy airborne vans and blitz the T.V. with comercials. I worked for FedEx for two years before I finally got a job with UPS. It's the same S*%t just different colors. The thing at UPS is if you give a crap about your job and your company, Ups as a company and their relationship with their Unions make an environment where it's your own fault if you can't make the situation better. FedEx you have little or no control over the situations. And lets be honest, the last time UPS did have a strike both Fed and USPS were pleading for everything to get settled because you DON'T have the infrastructer to take over the business.


New Member
Hoping to get this thread up and running again. I worked at UPS for 14 years (preload, driver and sup) and I left a couple of years to go work for Fedex. If anyone out there thinks that there is any comparison.....WRONG!!!! I'm sorry guys but no one (zero) people actually care about you. They care about cost, shareholders, customers, their boss who will :censored2: on whoever they need to get the next promotion etc but they could care less about you. It isn't that way on the other side and it is actually not so bad going to work when there is a little bit of humanity going on. I see a lot of you are posting press clippings about the dominance of one over the other and blah blah blah, but when the rubber hits the road you are forced to do a good job at UPS and at Fedex you do a good job because you are trusted. That's the real scoop on Fredex!!!!


Well-Known Member
benschreivogel said:
I'm not really sure why DHL even gets into the conversation. They have nothing more then a media existence really in America all they did was repaint those crappy airborne vans and blitz the T.V. with comercials. I worked for FedEx for two years before I finally got a job with UPS. It's the same S*%t just different colors. The thing at UPS is if you give a crap about your job and your company, Ups as a company and their relationship with their Unions make an environment where it's your own fault if you can't make the situation better. FedEx you have little or no control over the situations. And lets be honest, the last time UPS did have a strike both Fed and USPS were pleading for everything to get settled because you DON'T have the infrastructer to take over the business.

I don't think dhl was ever serious about picking up any volume of fred's or ups. If they were don't you think they would have bought bigger trucks instead of those little vans?


I am here to both to brag and to ask a question. After 11 years at
Fed Ex Ground, I own (yes, own; they sell for $100,000 around here) six routes, have six drivers work for me, put in about 25 hours a week and clear about $1400 a week after expenses and taxes. Now, I worked at UPS for about five years and have nothing bad to say about the company. And yes, being a single route contractor at Fed isn't wonderful (did that for 3 years). But Fed Ex isn't about having employee drivers that they call contractors for regulatory purposes. It is about opportunity and entrepeneurship. They need to do more of it and the lawsuits will evaporate. And the question is, could UPS offer me anything close to what I have at Fed Ex?


I am here to both to brag and to ask a question. After 11 years at
Fed Ex Ground, I own (yes, own; they sell for $100,000 around here) six routes, have six drivers work for me, put in about 25 hours a week and clear about $1400 a week after expenses and taxes. Now, I worked at UPS for about five years and have nothing bad to say about the company. And yes, being a single route contractor at Fed isn't wonderful (did that for 3 years). But Fed Ex isn't about having employee drivers that they call contractors for regulatory purposes. It is about opportunity and entrepeneurship. They need to do more of it and the lawsuits will evaporate. And the question is, could UPS offer me anything close to what I have at Fed Ex?
Your Route contract system makes you money but what does it do for your driver,his benefits,his retirement? Oh I thought so, the lawsuits will win too many fedexground drivers realizing they havent got a pot to piss in thanks to your system. I applaud your entrepeneruship it works well for the guy at the top of the pyramid! p.s. I've had two of your drivers join UPS in the last 3 years one was offered a job by my on road sup at peak season 2005 the other guy I put his name in front of our H.R. lady, 3 to 6 months in the hub, then they began driving yes they took a pay cut initially but they have invested in thier futures with you they had none. Thanks for training them, they're faster than a lot of our home grown variety driver.


Wish I could argue with you, but you are correct. It is not a wonderful job for drivers. They don't have benefits or a retirement packages like you guys. So why don't you guys just hire all of them? Fact of the matter is that around here, I pay better than most places and for that I am rewarded with very low turnover. Unfortunately (and I really do mean that) retirement and benefits seem to be a thing of the past. It is not uncommon for those pension plans to suddenly dry up in bankruptcy and reorganization. But thank-you for the compliment on training your new drivers. A few years ago, UPS folks had nothing complimentary to say about our people. Once again, please, hire all of us! lol