Want to relocate from San Diego to San Antonio . Any tips


Im not the Mail Man!
Average person in california thinks they are better than everyone else just because they live in california. The average person from california leaves california and moves somewhere and wants to change it into another California.
Not sure about the statistics but most of us realize what a joke it is here and would contemplate moving if it was a real option.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Average person in california thinks they are better than everyone else just because they live in california. The average person from california leaves california and moves somewhere and wants to change it into another California.
It’s a free country, get over it.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.


Well-Known Member
The western region does encompass multiple states, guaranteed to be cheaper then here in California. Though there was a portion of Texas in it but who knows. I’m in NorCal and that damn region surrounds us but we can’t transfer into it. It’s crazy. We’re like Vatican City in the middle of Rome.
New Mexico
Nothing in Texas. Vatican City lol....maybe one day maybe you can be part of the transfer agreement.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
How’s it going guys I’m new to this site looking to get some opinions on something

I’m a RPCD in San Diego ca
And is thinking of relocating and buying my first home in San Antonio TX
Any drivers on here from there?
i want to move only if I keep my pay from here I got top rate in March.
I know route wouldn’t be an issue due to me knowing mostly business routes out here , I know I could bang a resi route easy
If you are moving to escape CA., TX will soon go blue.....matter of time. All of the big cities in Tx are run by Democrats now.....they are a lost cause. This includes San Antonio. I guess anything is possible but my understanding is you can't transfer here. As has been said, you'll have to quit. So, what do you have to lose? I guess everything at UPS up to this point(including top pay). If you had feeder experience, probably get hired right away but then you would have to go through progression. San Antonio seems to have a lot of gang stuff also. Lot of racial tension, especially between blacks and hispanics.

Expect TX to look like CA in the next 10-20 years. I would actually look at TN. if you are conservative although I hear Nashville and Memphis are as liberal as it gets and as screwed up(crime, racial problems) as any liberal city.

If you can move to anywhere, why not look around to other long term places. You sound young.

If you think politics won't matter......you are naive. In my rural area(40 miles from a medium city) most homes are going for about $350,000. Starter homes about $200,000.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
It's a free country, so I am over it, around here most people let it be known to the transplants that arent welcome here. You'd probably be one of them
Be one of the transplants? Not happening. If I left the bay it would be for rural NorCal and if I left the state it would be for the PNW and if they told me I wasn’t welcome I’d tell them like I told you, “get over it”

Or would I tell a transplant they aren’t welcome? Not my style. Just be a good neighbor.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Sorry. Texas has met their quota of Californians. No more room for them
California takes in the rest of the nation’s bums and drug addicts and we export millennials loaded with cash that want to buy homes and eat in restaurants.

You’re getting the good end of the deal.


Retired 23 years
California takes in the rest of the nation’s bums and drug addicts and we export millennials loaded with cash that want to buy homes and eat in restaurants.

You’re getting the good end of the deal.
If it involves people from California-- Texas wouldn't be getting the good end of the deal". Texans don't want people coming in who are against their way of living. Texans like guns and closed borders. Just the opposite of what Californians like. My daughter lives in Texas and says native Texans are fed up with Californians coming in and trying to change everything they love about Texas life. She says the first thing they do is try to change what is being taught in the schools. Above all don't move to Mn. (unless you are taking the place of a Somali)--then we might be able to talk about it.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
If it involves people from California-- Texas wouldn't be getting the good end of the deal". Texans don't want people coming in who are against their way of living. Texans like guns and closed borders. Just the opposite of what Californians like. My daughter lives in Texas and says native Texans are fed up with Californians coming in and trying to change everything they love about Texas life. She says the first thing they do is try to change what is being taught in the schools. Above all don't move to Mn. (unless you are taking the place of a Somali)--then we might be able to talk about it.

Transplants came in and ruined San Francisco. Every Midwest fruitcake with a programming degree came in and wanted to be more “San-Francisco-than-thou” pushed out what was left of the working class and made the place a crime infested dump.

Texas can suck on it. And I hope you get more and more Somali neighbors up there in MN.


Well-Known Member
If you are moving to escape CA., TX will soon go blue.....matter of time. All of the big cities in Tx are run by Democrats now.....they are a lost cause. This includes San Antonio. I guess anything is possible but my understanding is you can't transfer here. As has been said, you'll have to quit. So, what do you have to lose? I guess everything at UPS up to this point(including top pay). If you had feeder experience, probably get hired right away but then you would have to go through progression. San Antonio seems to have a lot of gang stuff also. Lot of racial tension, especially between blacks and hispanics.

Expect TX to look like CA in the next 10-20 years. I would actually look at TN. if you are conservative although I hear Nashville and Memphis are as liberal as it gets and as screwed up(crime, racial problems) as any liberal city.

If you can move to anywhere, why not look around to other long term places. You sound young.

If you think politics won't matter......you are naive. In my rural area(40 miles from a medium city) most homes are going for about $350,000. Starter homes about $200,000.
This poster is only all about politics and racism...and is wrong most of the time. ...shrugs shoulders


Retired 23 years

Transplants came in and ruined San Francisco. Every Midwest fruitcake with a programming degree came in and wanted to be more “San-Francisco-than-thou” pushed out what was left of the working class and made the place a crime infested dump.

Texas can suck on it. And I hope you get more and more Somali neighbors up there in MN.