Was anyone told.....


Although I agree a college degree is unnecessary for a driver, is it even necessary for low management like a supervisor or a center manager?

I'm not asking if it's required , but if it's necessary.

Probably not since most ops sups who have one never use it for its purpose. Example I know a few sups with english or psych degrees. Lot of Business degrees that probably aren't as relevant in todays world as one in logistics would be.

I think the typing class I took in high school has benifited me more then mine. :wink2:


happy harry

Well-Known Member
Although I agree a college degree is unnecessary for a driver, is it even necessary for low management like a supervisor or a center manager?

I'm not asking if it's required , but if it's necessary.
No a college degree is not necessary. It always look better to have when attempting to move up the ladder. But not necessary. It could however become necessary when you are in strong competition with another strong candidate looking for the same position you are.

Just my opinion.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
It is only necessary if you want to move up the ladder. It also depends on the Department Head or District Manager. If they decide that it is part of the criteria for hiring then it changes from necessary to required.

You are competing for a job - all things being equal...what makes you stand out from the rest??? This is the key question you have to ask yourself.