No, Vinny is not out of line, and I'll explain why. Years of Hoffa laying down, apathetic and inept local leadership, deal making, and cowardice have given the IBT a loud bark with no bite. In 1997, Ron Carey, the last real President we had, organized one of the biggest labor stoppages in recent memory. Teamsters did that. Strong Teamsters that weren't afraid to put it on the line and remind this organization that we make it run, not vice versa. Ironically enough, Ron Carey's home was Local 804. Local 804 is typically one of the last holdouts when contracts are voted on because our leadership wants the best for the members. 804's Supplemental Agreement has some of the strongest language in it, for the benefit of the membership. Local 804 with Vinny Perrone at the helm is a breath of fresh air. This company is employing bullies. This company employs liars, thieves, and master manipulators. We ALL work too hard as Teamsters to give this company an inch. When their lies, deceit, and intimidation are met with equal or greater force, they will back down. Like Vinny always says "We do not negotiate with terrorists."