A few weeks ago I had to call the police on a bad dog owner. The dog has attacked me in front of him. Its attacked me in front of a supervisor. I was getting ready to bring a package up to the guys door, saw the dog walking over from across the street, so I got back in the truck, put package in a DR bag, and left it by the mailbox.
Move on, and two deliveries later, the guy is tailgating the truck on a stupid scooter, and then when I get read to make next delivery, guy pulls up next to the truck and tells me I'm "going to go put that package where it belongs." I said, "not with your dog loose." We exchanged more words, he told me that I need to go get a different job, apparently because I'm a veterinarian, or a dog catcher. Uh, no. It's not my job to deal with your bad dog. That's not my job. I called sheriffs deputies when he told me I was going to "have problems" next time I came around his house again. He then called in a complaint.
And then literally less than an hour later, some other guy goes and let his dog out, which went full bore running circles around me, biting at the Macy's bag I kept between me and the dog. Snarling, barking, and trying to get me. Guy says "Oh, it's never done that before!" "That's ok, you can go pick up your stuff in Sarasota from now on." So then he calls me an a-hole. Yes. I'm an a-hole because YOUR dog attacked me, after YOU let it out of your house uncontrolled.
The pictures below, the one and only time I've ever been bit. Dog charged me, I tried backing away, keeping delivery between me and the dog, and it still got me.
For the record, I've got a Pitt bull. It doesn't even remotely behave like half the dogs I see on the routes. He's well behaved, and just awesome. friend these people that can't properly train their dogs.