Well-Known Member
What is wrong with you? How do you know being gay inspired him to do this? What inspires you to be increasingly ignorant, racist, and homophobic?
Nobody is giving him a pass because he was gay and black, and he doesn't deserve one. POS killer and attention whore supreme. Hope there's a Hell so he had a place to go.
If this society deemed being gay what it really is then yes it could be what helped inspire this. As I see it being gay is a mental disorder in need of serious treatment, and this shooting only helps prove this. I have also known several people who have claimed to be gay and most are at best emotionally unstable, and at worst have been in and out of mental health treatment facilities for various mental problems. Its too bad the mentally ill are now being viewed as normal and acceptable in this society when they are anything but. Call me a homophobe if you will, but I am simply calling a spade a spade when I see it.