We must launch a coordinated Strike or else we're all screwed...

UPS Preloader

Well-Known Member
That's respectable. I've heard insane amounts like 15-18 to start.
Maybe that was due to the reduction of 18 months to 12 months for medical? I just think the end result was that not every single person will ever be happy. But overall, I think this is a great contract. There is something for everyone and I feel Hall did an amazing job. Sean O was unbelievable is our NE Supplement. I love it! We will be arranging stewards meetings on addressing and policing the new language which is key to the success of this contract.

He did do a great job. The only thing I was disappointed in was the building heat. The initial proposal asked for the building to be heated to 50 degrees. As you know, here in New England it can get pretty cold and I have good number of babies in my building. (Their crying while I'm waking around in shorts and a t-shirt.)


Well-Known Member
Re: We must launch a coordinated Strike or else were all screwed...

I agree with all of the above, but if we don't look out for the future teamsters, there might not be any. Then whose going to look out for us?
they will always be there brother. People will always need jobs. Has UPS said theyre short on applications? No! We Sold ourselves out on demanding higher starting wages, shouldve never been an issue. For every action their is an equal and oppisite reaction. (And I dont care to those of you who do about the spelling).
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Well-Known Member
Re: We must launch a coordinated Strike or else were all screwed...

I agree with all of the above, but if we don't look out for the future teamsters, there might not be any. Then whose going to look out for us?
Sorry my last statement was based on this quote


Well-Known Member
That's respectable. I've heard insane amounts like 15-18 to start.
Maybe that was due to the reduction of 18 months to 12 months for medical? I just think the end result was that not every single person will ever be happy. But overall, I think this is a great contract. There is something for everyone and I feel Hall did an amazing job. Sean O was unbelievable is our NE Supplement. I love it! We will be arranging stewards meetings on addressing and policing the new language which is key to the success of this contract.

Was there any discussions or changes for 8 hour days...some of the lower seniority drivers seem to get bumped even on a Tuesday or Wednesday.


Well-Known Member
Re: We must launch a coordinated Strike or else were all screwed...

You are crying a river for unborn teamster who don't even work here yet. They haven't even dropped sweat yet. They are the UNBORN. I like them but they haven't even worked at United Parcel yet. Do you know even know what United Parcel is???? I know for a fact they don't so I'm not cutting the existing members throats for them ever. They will pay there dues shortly and then they will have a VOICE. Preacher tells the TRUTH and it HURTS.

"United parcel"...??? What are you like 80...lol. That's what the guys call ups when they worked here in the 50's...


Well-Known Member
Was there any discussions or changes for 8 hour days...some of the lower seniority drivers seem to get bumped even on a Tuesday or Wednesday.
This has been removed from the article.
"It is further understood that the Employer is not obligated to let more than one (I) driver in a loop off at one time."
So basically many drivers can request an 8 hour day on the same day.


Victory Ride
Hoffa and Hall Have all the Power...they can prob repel any vote....it's up to every single local and ALL of its members to go on strike by ourselves and not with the help of our union leadership that has agreed to sell us out...So, Mark down Monday June 3rd as the Date in which well will show the world the strength in numbers that we have...Our futures are on the line in this contract, your families futures are on the line in this contract, this is not the time to sit back and take this...now is the time to Fight Back and Demand what we Deserve...Not only Package and Parttimers but Getting the Planes and Feeders to Strike will make this successful....sounds like a pipe dream but **** it Who's with me?
Sounds like the speech By Belushi from movie Animal house


Active Member
Not every part timer wants to go fulltime.

​...and no part time job at UPS was meant to be a career.

Any job that leaves you dripping sweat and exhausted after only 3 1/2 hours should pay just a bit more, don't you think? If its just a part time job it should be treated as such. Management has even said it "if you have a 2nd job, UPS should be your main one". Don't bite the hand that feeds you, our day dictates your load.


Inordinately Right
In regards to all the post about the ratio of part-time to full-time employees and control of the vote, I'm curious if anyone has any real numbers on the ratio of actual UNION MEMBERSHIP, not just the number of total employees.

Where I work most part-timers are not in the union. Believe it or not, in right to work states, many part-time employees simply don't see any benefit from paying dues for no other reason than to be able to vote every 4 or 5 years. They are disenfranchised from the get go with the low pay, and don't want it to be any lower. Most people just don't understand how much damage the right to work laws do to an employee's power.

Right or wrong, it is just the way it is. I'm curious if part-timers who can actually vote outnumber the full-timers who can vote.


Bad Moon Risen'
Any job that leaves you dripping sweat and exhausted after only 3 1/2 hours should pay just a bit more, don't you think? If its just a part time job it should be treated as such. Management has even said it "if you have a 2nd job, UPS should be your main one". Don't bite the hand that feeds you, our day dictates your load.
I got a job every Saturday morning that leaves me exhausted and dripping sweat after 3 1/2 hours.
If it lasted more than 4 hours I would have to call my doctor.
​By the way, my spouse loves my load!


Man of Great Wisdom
I got a job every Saturday morning that leaves me exhausted and dripping sweat after 3 1/2 hours.
If it lasted more than 4 hours I would have to call my doctor.
​By the way, my spouse loves my load!

​Time to cut back on the little blue pills. That or quit driving dump trucks part time.

Buck Fifty

Well-Known Member
I got a job every Saturday morning that leaves me exhausted and dripping sweat after 3 1/2 hours.
If it lasted more than 4 hours I would have to call my doctor.
​By the way, my spouse loves my load!

If i had one that last 4 hrs, i would call everybody I know. Then the Doc.