Jones and everyone for that fact,
You are correct that in times of war bad things do happen. Innocent folks get caught in the middle with tragic results and yes even some of these soldiers are caught in the middle as well. 2nd guess and you may be dead. We have the luxury of sitting back in our easy chairs and and throwing out all the what if's and not putting words in your mouth but I think like myself and others who have been critical of the
"CIVILIAN" polices in regards to foriegn policy, I've not been critical of the actual soldier and field commanders as they are left to the task of enforcing IMO a wrong foriegn policy made totally by civilians. Our great military is not under it's own accord but acts according to civilian commands so therefore in my case my objections are of political decisions of appointed political and intelligence appointees of the executive branch and not of the military itself. I think that the folks here with half a brain and willing to use it from time to time know this of my posts but I'm sure there are a few who's use of their brain doesn't extend much beyond the daily use of a TV remote control so there you go!
Now that said, Mark Cuban IMO has done like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Moore, Bill O'Reily, Sean Hannity, Mike Savage, Alec Baldwin, Sean Penn and the list could go on and on but they have taken the facts of a single or handful of events and for fame and filthy lucer has turned, twisted and milked these events for their own purposes. Neal Boortz of whom I've listened for over 30 years has done the same with the FairTax although he does believe in the concept. He's is promoting because he believes it and I greatly respect that but it also promotes him and his show so it's a win/win.
A month or so ago Rush made some comment about "fake soldiers" protesting the war and quite on it's own it really was a meaningless statement IMO. It was valid to some degree but it was also more an issue of entertainment IMO moreso than a hard statement of point instead of suggesting a much large issue. I came to learn of it all way after the fact but I just took Rush's comments as questioning the motives of a lone single soldier and not a suggestion of a larger segment of soldiers. Rush was using hyperbole as he does to milk an issue and although in did make a very limited point of fact, it really was nothing. Rush is an entertainer and most of his show should be considered in that light. He does interlace with facts that I at times when I've listened found informative but his broader appeal as some kind of leader is totally lost on me.
Rush stepped out and then the democrats in Congress lead by Senator Reid thought they had him in a box and could milk it themselves for it's PR value to benefit their cause but Rush gets credit as he in effect "punked" Senator Reid and the boyz. He is a master at it and in that respect should not be taken lightly. In the end Reid tried to save face and make the letter that was sold on Ebay look like a plus for himself and the boyz.
Mike Moore used the issue the healthcare and took it to the extremes for it's shock value and people have gone nuts over it. The simple fact is the examples are extremes and are not a reflection of the general situation. Everyone points to the extremes to prove their point. Global warming studies if taken to their extremes point to horrible results but consider this for a moment. You point to the worse case scenario for effect but the odds are the actual results will be something a little less. Our water in the North Georgia is down to about 80 days according to the experts and this is what they are telling the public but it's also predicated on during those 80 days we get absoultely no rain or so little it's meaningless and we maintain current downstream water draws from our lakes. Change either one of those (more rainfall or less draw) and the timeline improves. 3 to 5 inches of rain per month and the situation actually improves and this is about our normal rainfall. Global warming is much the same way, give the worse for effect but the odds are that those dynamics will mostly likely change. Again it's hyberbole IMO.
What have we both just seen with respect to Christman in another thread? Again, someone is reacting on emotion run amuck and with little factual knowledge of historical fact and engaging in hyperbole for an agenda effect.
The American media IMO is an absolutely total piece of crap that does little hard research and documentation but spends hours upon hours crafting 30 sec. sound bites that sound smart but beyond that offer no real hard insight. Until hard hitting and the courage to ask the hard question return to the American media, the internet and the privateer news agent will continue to grow.
People hate PBS as a news source and the likes of Bill Moyer are considered the ultimate demon of what is American. You may not like Bill's conclusions based on what he asked and what he uncovered (there are times I don't either) but I respect the fact he is willing to ask the question everyone else is afraid too and yes he even has those with whom disagree with his conclusions in the mix but at least at the end with guys like Moyer, programs like Frontline and even a number of programs on the History channel, they give a lot of details and some you won.t like but you get enough foreground that you can then go on the net and prove or disprove for yourself with all the background.
Our problem is, we want to sitback and have someone else spoon feed us everything and to make it worse we make the personality the feature of a
cult of personality and then link the facts to that persona. Any challenge to the persona is considered a challenge to the facts themselves and if the persona is linked as being wrapped in the flag, any question whatsoever becomes unpatriotic and therefore unAmerican.
Until we have the courage to dig for the facts, willing to read and consider those facts, both the good with the bad, then we will continue to be persona driven and at the mercy of someone else as they set the policy on how we should live and think.
I am not Borg and I will not be assimilated should be our mantra.