We The Sheeple!!!!


Well-Known Member
Unwarranted? Unlawful? Reckless? Before exhausting all means to avoid conflict? Were you hybernating with the bears while the U.S. was going through months, and months of stall tactics by the U.N.? Probably while the WMDs were being smuggled into Syria and probably Iran?

I'd have to agree with BAU on this..We gave plenty of warning and both the democrats and republicans authorized the war based on intellegence we had at the time regarding WMD's. We certainly gave Sadam enough time (months) to relocate them which is probably what happened. Nevertheless the world is a better place without him.

Just like freedom and security. Going into Iraq is part of the big picture for the future and that future includes taking the fight to the enemy. Even if it means upsetting the members of the certain parties that don't understand that it's for their own good.
Again I have to agree and just maybe when we look back at history Bush will be held in high regard for this visionary plan, maybe not, who knows? I do know one thing...We've not had an attack since 911!!

I must add that if you take the opposite side of the spectrum from the Neo-Cons it would be the far left-loons and their hatred of this Country and the damage they continue to "Pile on" (Hillary's term) that continues to hurt our Country and hurt our troops.

Such as this little gem where Mark Cuban is financing the Brian Depalma film "Redactded" a vile film depicting our troops in a bad light and putting them in more danger by doing so.

"Our military people have fought and died to give him that right. Isn't that ironic? Cuban uses his freedom and his money, made in America, to put our troops at further risk. How does the guy live with himself?"

There comes a time when good people must make a stand, and this is one of those times. Cuban and DePalma have done a bad thing; they have made life even harder for our troops. So Americans should stand in front of any theatre showing "Redacted" and hold a simple sign: "Support the Troops."

There is no excuse for "Redacted." The incident is based on a true story, but those who committed the crimes are in prison for life. You don't celebrate this kind of aberration with a movie—you don't brand the U.S. military with this stigma.

Charles Manson is an American too, but does he represent this country in any way? Of course not. And I believe even the odious Manson would not make a movie like "Redacted."



Staff member
Redacted is pulling a 48% on Rotten Tomatoes, so I don't think you have to worry about being overly popular. If you decide to spend the day patrolling the local cinema with your sign you will probably just draw more attention to it.

I'm not sure I understand O'reilly's objection to it though, since it is based on an actual event. I don't see the benefit in pretending that atrocities don't happen in wartime, or that american troops never commit them.

That being said I doubt I will ever see it, I'm not a fan of the "faux documentary" style of film making and this movie doesn't sound very good anyway.


Well-Known Member
Jones and everyone for that fact,

You are correct that in times of war bad things do happen. Innocent folks get caught in the middle with tragic results and yes even some of these soldiers are caught in the middle as well. 2nd guess and you may be dead. We have the luxury of sitting back in our easy chairs and and throwing out all the what if's and not putting words in your mouth but I think like myself and others who have been critical of the "CIVILIAN" polices in regards to foriegn policy, I've not been critical of the actual soldier and field commanders as they are left to the task of enforcing IMO a wrong foriegn policy made totally by civilians. Our great military is not under it's own accord but acts according to civilian commands so therefore in my case my objections are of political decisions of appointed political and intelligence appointees of the executive branch and not of the military itself. I think that the folks here with half a brain and willing to use it from time to time know this of my posts but I'm sure there are a few who's use of their brain doesn't extend much beyond the daily use of a TV remote control so there you go!

Now that said, Mark Cuban IMO has done like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Moore, Bill O'Reily, Sean Hannity, Mike Savage, Alec Baldwin, Sean Penn and the list could go on and on but they have taken the facts of a single or handful of events and for fame and filthy lucer has turned, twisted and milked these events for their own purposes. Neal Boortz of whom I've listened for over 30 years has done the same with the FairTax although he does believe in the concept. He's is promoting because he believes it and I greatly respect that but it also promotes him and his show so it's a win/win.

A month or so ago Rush made some comment about "fake soldiers" protesting the war and quite on it's own it really was a meaningless statement IMO. It was valid to some degree but it was also more an issue of entertainment IMO moreso than a hard statement of point instead of suggesting a much large issue. I came to learn of it all way after the fact but I just took Rush's comments as questioning the motives of a lone single soldier and not a suggestion of a larger segment of soldiers. Rush was using hyperbole as he does to milk an issue and although in did make a very limited point of fact, it really was nothing. Rush is an entertainer and most of his show should be considered in that light. He does interlace with facts that I at times when I've listened found informative but his broader appeal as some kind of leader is totally lost on me.

Rush stepped out and then the democrats in Congress lead by Senator Reid thought they had him in a box and could milk it themselves for it's PR value to benefit their cause but Rush gets credit as he in effect "punked" Senator Reid and the boyz. He is a master at it and in that respect should not be taken lightly. In the end Reid tried to save face and make the letter that was sold on Ebay look like a plus for himself and the boyz.

Mike Moore used the issue the healthcare and took it to the extremes for it's shock value and people have gone nuts over it. The simple fact is the examples are extremes and are not a reflection of the general situation. Everyone points to the extremes to prove their point. Global warming studies if taken to their extremes point to horrible results but consider this for a moment. You point to the worse case scenario for effect but the odds are the actual results will be something a little less. Our water in the North Georgia is down to about 80 days according to the experts and this is what they are telling the public but it's also predicated on during those 80 days we get absoultely no rain or so little it's meaningless and we maintain current downstream water draws from our lakes. Change either one of those (more rainfall or less draw) and the timeline improves. 3 to 5 inches of rain per month and the situation actually improves and this is about our normal rainfall. Global warming is much the same way, give the worse for effect but the odds are that those dynamics will mostly likely change. Again it's hyberbole IMO.

What have we both just seen with respect to Christman in another thread? Again, someone is reacting on emotion run amuck and with little factual knowledge of historical fact and engaging in hyperbole for an agenda effect.

The American media IMO is an absolutely total piece of crap that does little hard research and documentation but spends hours upon hours crafting 30 sec. sound bites that sound smart but beyond that offer no real hard insight. Until hard hitting and the courage to ask the hard question return to the American media, the internet and the privateer news agent will continue to grow.

People hate PBS as a news source and the likes of Bill Moyer are considered the ultimate demon of what is American. You may not like Bill's conclusions based on what he asked and what he uncovered (there are times I don't either) but I respect the fact he is willing to ask the question everyone else is afraid too and yes he even has those with whom disagree with his conclusions in the mix but at least at the end with guys like Moyer, programs like Frontline and even a number of programs on the History channel, they give a lot of details and some you won.t like but you get enough foreground that you can then go on the net and prove or disprove for yourself with all the background.

Our problem is, we want to sitback and have someone else spoon feed us everything and to make it worse we make the personality the feature of a cult of personality and then link the facts to that persona. Any challenge to the persona is considered a challenge to the facts themselves and if the persona is linked as being wrapped in the flag, any question whatsoever becomes unpatriotic and therefore unAmerican.

Until we have the courage to dig for the facts, willing to read and consider those facts, both the good with the bad, then we will continue to be persona driven and at the mercy of someone else as they set the policy on how we should live and think.

I am not Borg and I will not be assimilated should be our mantra.


Well-Known Member
Neo-Cons are a faction of Conservative Republicans that have that have veered away from Tradiitional Republicans values and intiated unwarranted, unlawful and reckless tendencies to conduct War and Occupation and intiate pre-emptive strikes before exhausting all means neccessary to aviod conflict instead of conducting themselves with less Gov't,spending and more emphasis on Free Market and big business and economics that benefit the rich and eventually evolves to a
trickle down effect and until you have scrapes for the poor.
BTW..How would you like your bagel...With Lox or Cream cheese.
Now, did I make anti-jewish slurs? I must be a mashuggana!

Unwarranted? Unlawful? Reckless? Before exhausting all means to avoid conflict? Were you hybernating with the bears while the U.S. was going through months, and months of stall tactics by the U.N.? Probably while the WMDs were being smuggled into Syria and probably Iran? Where you still asleep while our Air Force and Navy were firing precision rockets and missles that resulted in the least amount of damage to civilians? People were going on about their business in Baghdad while we were bombing them for Christ's sake! The rest of the damage has primarily come from the terrorist scum that inhabit...ALREADY INHABITED...Iraq. And don't even mention scraps for the poor. Tell your deadbeat friends to get off their :censored2: and to find a job. Tell them to better themselves and become members of society instead of blamming society for their short commings. Republican, Democrat, "NeoCon", Liberal.........in this country none of it matters when people have ambition and drive to do something with their lives. It's out there for the taking but too many people want it given to them instead. Just like freedom and security. Going into Iraq is part of the big picture for the future and that future includes taking the fight to the enemy. Even if it means upsetting the members of the certain parties that don't understand that it's for their own good.

"Mr. Big Stuff, Who do you think you are?" Quote...Some one hit wonder from the seventies that made Kasey Kasem's top forties list. And the same honor should be warranted for your comical post in this symposium arena. Kudos go out to the Bush, Chaney, Rush God's of Persuassion for convincing his loyal sheep followers "All is well"..."Stay the Course". I feel much Baaaa..etter now you said it's for our own good, baaaa...cause we don't understand . BTW....I love lamb chops, but I perfer to wash it down with a Budwieser not a Bus(c)h.

Perhaps one day, you and your friends will one day snap out of the grasp they (the neo-cons) have on you'all, and will look back and shamefully say "What was I thinking".


Well-Known Member
Unwarranted? Unlawful? Reckless? Before exhausting all means to avoid conflict? Were you hybernating with the bears while the U.S. was going through months, and months of stall tactics by the U.N.? Probably while the WMDs were being smuggled into Syria and probably Iran? Where you still asleep while our Air Force and Navy were firing precision rockets and missles that resulted in the least amount of damage to civilians? People were going on about their business in Baghdad while we were bombing them for Christ's sake! The rest of the damage has primarily come from the terrorist scum that inhabit...ALREADY INHABITED...Iraq. And don't even mention scraps for the poor. Tell your deadbeat friends to get off their :censored2: and to find a job. Tell them to better themselves and become members of society instead of blamming society for their short commings. Republican, Democrat, "NeoCon", Liberal.........in this country none of it matters when people have ambition and drive to do something with their lives. It's out there for the taking but too many people want it given to them instead. Just like freedom and security. Going into Iraq is part of the big picture for the future and that future includes taking the fight to the enemy. Even if it means upsetting the members of the certain parties that don't understand that it's for their own good.

"Mr. Big Stuff, Who do you think you are?" Quote...Some one hit wonder from the seventies that made Kasey Kasem's top forties list. And the same honor should be warranted for your comical post in this symposium arena. Kudos go out to the Bush, Chaney, Rush God's of Persuassion for convincing his loyal sheep followers "All is well"..."Stay the Course". I feel much Baaaa..etter now you said it's for our own good, baaaa...cause we don't understand . BTW....I love lamb chops, but I perfer to wash it down with a Budwieser not a Bus(c)h.

Perhaps one day, you and your friends will one day snap out of the grasp they (the neo-cons) have on you'all, and will look back and shamefully say "What was I thinking".

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Unwarranted? Unlawful? Reckless? Before exhausting all means to avoid conflict? Were you hybernating with the bears while the U.S. was going through months, and months of stall tactics by the U.N.? Probably while the WMDs were being smuggled into Syria and probably Iran? Where you still asleep while our Air Force and Navy were firing precision rockets and missles that resulted in the least amount of damage to civilians? People were going on about their business in Baghdad while we were bombing them for Christ's sake! The rest of the damage has primarily come from the terrorist scum that inhabit...ALREADY INHABITED...Iraq. And don't even mention scraps for the poor. Tell your deadbeat friends to get off their :censored2: and to find a job. Tell them to better themselves and become members of society instead of blamming society for their short commings. Republican, Democrat, "NeoCon", Liberal.........in this country none of it matters when people have ambition and drive to do something with their lives. It's out there for the taking but too many people want it given to them instead. Just like freedom and security. Going into Iraq is part of the big picture for the future and that future includes taking the fight to the enemy. Even if it means upsetting the members of the certain parties that don't understand that it's for their own good.

"Mr. Big Stuff, Who do you think you are?" Quote...Some one hit wonder from the seventies that made Kasey Kasem's top forties list. And the same honor should be warranted for your comical post in this symposium arena. Kudos go out to the Bush, Chaney, Rush God's of Persuassion for convincing his loyal sheep followers "All is well"..."Stay the Course". I feel much Baaaa..etter now you said it's for our own good, baaaa...cause we don't understand . BTW....I love lamb chops, but I perfer to wash it down with a Budwieser not a Bus(c)h.

Perhaps one day, you and your friends will one day snap out of the grasp they (the neo-cons) have on you'all, and will look back and shamefully say "What was I thinking".

What is comical is when Liberals try and accuse of anyone else of being "sheep" or not having a conscience. Now that is hillarious. It's ironic to the point of sadness.


Well-Known Member
What is comical is when Liberals try and accuse of anyone else of being "sheep" or not having a conscience. Now that is hillarious. It's ironic to the point of sadness.


I'm serious when I say you are correct in what you said above. Liberals do tend to want a large gov't and they force the rest of us to go along or else. We have no choice and then to call others sheeple does seem the ultimate irony. You are correct sir and I back your conclusion to the hilt specific to that matter!

BUT there's another sadness out there and it's on the part of conservatives who sit by and also act the sheeple and expect the rest of us to tow the line or else when we see things like found in the first half of this YouTube clip. We are expected if not demanded to sit quite and never ask a "why" or "what gives" and the moment we do we automatically become liberals even when far from what today is called liberal or called anti-American or unpatriotic. IMO it's a brainwashed response of one of Pavlov's dogs because there's nothing else there beween the ears capable of intelligent conversation.

If I'm expected to sit by while a gov't lies under any pretext to it's citizens or believes it's mandate allows it to lie for what it precieves a greater cause, then call me anti-ameircan, unpatriotic or liberal if that is expected of me because I'm not willing to make that leap of faith and sacrifice to my personal principles and I doubt the founders of this country would find my comments to be unpatriotic of anti-American and that's good enough for me!


Well-Known Member

Full of piss and vingear too!


Make sure you don't forget this either. I'm surprised you weren't all over it the day the story broke.

Spent a week in Sin City Kmac......Full of alcohol and low on chips....guess thats why they comp you drinks to impair your gamgling judgement. Anyhow, it was nice to get away before the Xmas rush....Oh, my bad, might offend some if i say Xmas rush....how bout Holiday or peak rush....Better?
As far as McClellan...amazing how little coverage this story is getting...and people say it's a Liberal media. I wonder why Fox won't invite him to promote his book, but give the village idiot Ann Coulter carte blanch.


Well-Known Member
Spent a week in Sin City Kmac......Full of alcohol and low on chips....guess thats why they comp you drinks to impair your gamgling judgement. Anyhow, it was nice to get away before the Xmas rush....Oh, my bad, might offend some if i say Xmas rush....how bout Holiday or peak rush....Better?
As far as McClellan...amazing how little coverage this story is getting...and people say it's a Liberal media. I wonder why Fox won't invite him to promote his book, but give the village idiot Ann Coulter carte blanch.

Did you learn how to double down?

You are suppose to say "Christmas" rush as a few here are afraid the rest of us can't and don't remember what the time of year is all about because a few folks with no life insist we say Happy Holidays or some such nonsense. If we say anything else they go bonkers.

Been on vacation the last 2 weeks myself but didn't go to sin city.
I do the same thing in resting up before peak and I always take my birthday off as well which is this time of year.

McCellan was news for one day but in fairness the book doesn't offically come out until April if I understand correctly. I would assume barring something else it will make news then.

You eating leftovers like everyone else here? I always make up some homemade BBQ sauce and throw it and the leftover turkey in a pot to slow cook and we make up cole slaw and have BBQ sandwiches, longneck Bud and watch football. Rough life!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Or how about this as an example of "sheeple"? Listen to the whole interview. These kids strike me as your average every day Liberals. And their views pertaining to the war in Iraq tends to mirror the average Liberal's as well. The questions asked and points presented in the video are good because the answers given also tend to mirror the average Liberal's answers. And that is the point....they have no answers. They just protest and cry about the war, yet, don't offer any real alternative solutions to it nor do they seem to even understand exactly what went on leading up the the war. They just follow the lead of other Liberals and blindly support the anti-war movement.

You are suppose to say "Christmas" rush as a few here are afraid the rest of us can't and don't remember what the time of year is all about because a few folks with no life insist we say Happy Holidays or some such nonsense. If we say anything else they go bonkers.

It's not when people simply say "Holiday" that sets us off. What sets people off is when we are told, or hear about others being told, that they are to use the word Holiday as a substitute because they are to refrain from using the word Christmas. It would be crazy to think that we are jumping out of our socks every time someone says Holiday. I mean....Holiday is still a proper word for Christmas (which still strikes me as ironic since those that are opposed to saying Christmas don't realize that Holiday is essentially the same thing) but the motive behind the want for the substitute is to hide the name out of fear that it'll "offend" others. LOL! The founding fathers have probably rolled in the graves so many times they might have been able to tunnel their way out. The Constitution might as well be erased the way Liberals have been trying to interpret it lately.


I'm serious when I say you are correct in what you said above. Liberals do tend to want a large gov't and they force the rest of us to go along or else. We have no choice and then to call others sheeple does seem the ultimate irony. You are correct sir and I back your conclusion to the hilt specific to that matter!

The funny part about it is that only when the opposing party holds the Presidential office does that attitude truly come in to play. And to have war going on just adds fuel to their fire. So instead of the usual finger pointing about spending, taxes, constitutional interpretations, etc., you get the ever popular anti-war movement with the sole purpose of bringing the President down.


Well-Known Member
The funny part about it is that only when the opposing party holds the Presidential office does that attitude truly come in to play. And to have war going on just adds fuel to their fire. So instead of the usual finger pointing about spending, taxes, constitutional interpretations, etc., you get the ever popular anti-war movement with the sole purpose of bringing the President down.

You know Big, that's a pretty good observation but as to exactly how true it is could be open to some debate. The republicans during the Clinton years howled much the same against Clinton's military strikes on Iraq (wag the dog!) and especially the Balkans that was about democratizing a region just as Iraq is about. You say the Iraqi's suffered human rights abuses and it's our duty to stop that. A sidenote in Saudi Arabia is where the Islamic courts sentenced a ":censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2:E" (important if you understand Sunni verses Shia) women to 200 lashes and 6 months in jail basically because she got gang raped! The root crime was bing in the presence of men who were not her family or husband. There's your ally in the war on Terror!

Back to the point. Well the same human rights abuses were happening in the Balkans as well so if it's our duty now in Iraq, then it was also our duty then so to be critical of President Clinton would equate IMO on the same level of being criitical of Bush. You see Big, we're sold a bill of goods by the politicians but they both play the same political game so then they hoodwink us in by playing on our political bias'. However, I do think overall it's a pretty good point that you made.

That's said let's flip the coin to the other side and look at what we have. When the republicans didn't have the WH and even more so didn't have the catbird seat in Congress, what was their mantra that attracted folks to them in the first place and they openly proclaimed?

Let's see:

1)Limited gov't (in some cases very limited)

2)Local and/or state control on things like education and ending unfunded State and local mandates (this was the reason Zell Miller wanted to abolish the 17th amendment and give the State legislatures a voice back in Washington, I know because as my Senator I spoke with him one on one about it and cheered his efforts)

3)Fiscal responsibility that incorporates cutting taxes along with cutting spending (see items 1 as a means to achieving item #3)

4)They even advocated a more non-agression foreign policy that rebuffed the idea of nation building and being the world's policeman (Bush in the 2000' debates used those exact words in condemning the very thing he does now. Read the debates as I've posted direct links to them in the past)

You want to sit there and slam the democrats or liberals as you call them and you have good cause to do so. But what really makes me laugh is to see you and others slam the opposing party for doing something that your party does in point fact and you even cheer and defend the effort. Sometimes under what IMO is a misguided form of Patriotism that you've created in order to justify them doing what you outright condemn others for doing.

Well what is a Sheeple in the first place?

So in a nutshell, it's someone who accepts unquestioningly that something is true. Even under the light of facts you still won't consider a moment to question or check further to see how true it is or at least you and others comes across that way.

I think this happens to everyone as we begin to trust a source or point of view over time and this sets us up sometimes innocently to be caught in this trap. Before we go accusing others of being sheeple it may be best that we take a good look in the mirror to see we haven't fallen into the same trap but just not realized it yet. It's easy to have happen.

Did you ever for a moment think that in Washington that they see all of us a sheeple? They think we're so stupid that when someone gives a speech that they need to also present an opposing view as they know we're to lazy to go check the facts ourselves. Then the big media put a talking head to intrepret those speeches and tell us what they said. You'd think we spoke a foreign language and they act the intrepreter. Are we really this stupid?

I got news for you, that is exactly how they see us and we give them nothing to ever consider otherwise and that is the really tragic part IMO.


Well-Known Member
A note to the Browncafe staff. A sect of the muslim faith that contains a consecutive 4 letters that spell a slang term for human waste should not be a filtered word. I know the algorithms look for this sequences but in the presense of other letters indicating a use within a word, that search algorithms can be written. I also think this speaks more about us that it does about computer programs.


For the rest of you, the censored word is a term that is also used interchangiblly with the word Shia'. From here on I'll try and remember this.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you can just say shee-ite.

Shee-ite happens ! "I think Forrest Gump created that bumper sticker..."Ain't that right Lt Dan?"

BAU....If you really equate ALL Libs/ Dems, to those air heads in your handpicked video, you really need to get out more often and recognize that generalizing and sterotyping people is just another shallow effort on your part to influence unsuccessfully strong minded free thinking indivduals towards your position, but do realize, this feeble attempt of acceptance towards your inaccuracy is quite amusing and entertaining. Who needs the Writer's Guild strike to end while I can log on and experience comic relief such as this.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Shee-ite happens ! "I think Forrest Gump created that bumper sticker..."Ain't that right Lt Dan?"

BAU....If you really equate ALL Libs/ Dems, to those air heads in your handpicked video, you really need to get out more often and recognize that generalizing and sterotyping people is just another shallow effort on your part to influence unsuccessfully strong minded free thinking indivduals towards your position, but do realize, this feeble attempt of acceptance towards your inaccuracy is quite amusing and entertaining. Who needs the Writer's Guild strike to end while I can log on and experience comic relief such as this.

LOL! I could point out plenty of hypocricy in that post....but I'd be up well into the wee hours of the morning doing so. I need some sleep before driving for big brown ya know? And yes...I do equate Liberals to those in that video. Why not? And here we go again with the generalization and stereotyping card. You should know better than to use Al Sharpton tactics. LOL! When someone points out the obvious it's easier for you Libs to call it gerneralizing or stereotyping. Now that is comic relief.


Well-Known Member
LOL! I could point out plenty of hypocricy in that post....but I'd be up well into the wee hours of the morning doing so. I need some sleep before driving for big brown ya know? And yes...I do equate Liberals to those in that video. Why not? And here we go again with the generalization and stereotyping card. You should know better than to use Al Sharpton tactics. LOL! When someone points out the obvious it's easier for you Libs to call it gerneralizing or stereotyping. Now that is comic relief.

Ok BIG...Two can play this game. No, this link is not a knee jerk Al Sharpton tactic. Just an example of sterotyping Republicans meant to counter your video and unjustified statements. At least I can decipher and differentiate the various factions of political parties and idealogy beliefs.
Or how about this as an example of "sheeple"? Listen to the whole interview. These kids strike me as your average every day Young Republicans. And their views pertaining to the war in Iraq tends to mirror the average Republicans as well. The questions asked and points presented in the video are good because the answers given also tend to mirror the average Republican answers. And that is the point....they have no cojones. They just praise and volunteer others to war, yet, don't offer their own services and bravado to enlist and act upon what they so passionately support. They just follow the lead of other Republicans and blindly support the Bush-Chaney movement.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Ok BIG...Two can play this game. No, this link is not a knee jerk Al Sharpton tactic. Just an example of sterotyping Republicans meant to counter your video and unjustified statements. At least I can decipher and differentiate the various factions of political parties and idealogy beliefs.

Trust me...I can decipher (which is literally what needs to be done in order to understand the warped Liberal mind) and differentiate the various factions of politics and beliefs. If I couldn't so so then I never would have decided to lean the Right.

Or how about this as an example of "sheeple"? Listen to the whole interview. These kids strike me as your average every day Young Republicans. And their views pertaining to the war in Iraq tends to mirror the average Republicans as well. The questions asked and points presented in the video are good because the answers given also tend to mirror the average Republican answers. And that is the point....they have no cojones. They just praise and volunteer others to war, yet, don't offer their own services and bravado to enlist and act upon what they so passionately support. They just follow the lead of other Republicans and blindly support the Bush-Chaney movement.

YouTube - Young Republican Chickenhawks

You were right...the video wasn't a knee jerk Al Sharpton tactic. It was worse. It was a Michael Moore wanna be! LOL! Yeah nice job when you found that one. <---Sarcasm intended. Could you not have found a better clip rather than use a Karate Kid whacko that talks like he's working for NPR? LOL! I guess there isn't much else to choose from when you are trying to defend a Liberal viewpoint. So..let me get this straight. In order for one to be permitted by the Liberal world (as if anyone needs permission from a bunch of anti-American leeches) to legitimately support a war they have to enlist in the military? LOL! Is that the best you can come up with? Shee eee eeep. Baa aa aa! LOL! I'm wasting my time with you on this one. So, much like we did when we were finished wasting time dealing with the U.N., I feel it's time to go forward and demand action....what was your alternative to invading Iraq and what is your alternative to dealing with the present situation there now? This should be good.........


Well-Known Member
what was your alternative to invading Iraq

Not to put words in his mouth but I think he was advocating something like focusing on Afghanistan and Pakistan and actually finding some guy by the name of Osama and his cohorts who actually were behind the 9/11 attacks which began this whole terrorism exercise. I'd tend to agree with that also!

I hope I got that about right Diesel!