Well I'll Be! Bush Got Some Goods News For A Change


Well-Known Member
The conservative/libertarian radio model has just worked the best as it is right now. Back in the 90's when talk radio really come into it's own, talk radio was seen as that contraian (da#n someone get me a dictionary) point of view but with all the media overload, it's become the mainstream. I suspect as time goes on the reverse will come true and you'll start to hear more and more of the otherside. Air America failed IMO not because no one was interested in the other point of view but rather just to be blunt, who wants to listen day in and day out to a bunch of Rosie O'Donnell want-a-bees. I mean seriously, I listened and that's just how it came across to me and I would even agree with them on some points. I'd rather listen to Rush (which I don't) take callers who expose points that only inflate Rush's ego because I just happen to think that's humorous to listen to at times. I know, I'm sick. I just assumed it was fact here but I'm finding out some people might be dumb enough to actually for those fleeting moments take what I say as serious.

Some of the best talk shows I've heard are on the weekends with the small market local guys. Very enjoyable shows with great local topics. One of my favorites was Royal Marshall, Neal's sidekick, who did a "local politician night" where a local politician would come on and take calls about local issues. Fantastic format IMO and I learned alot from it. I enjoy that type of public service programming.

Well, I've been in a real funk today as I woke up this morning and swore up and down it was Saturday. Yeah I know, been down in the dumps since reality hit. And the worse part? Time for work! but the glass is half full. Instead of the weekend being nearly half over, i've got the whole thing just ahead of me!

See, you made me feel better already! Thanks!

c ya


Well-Known Member
You mean you actually read all that Bullschitt? Every word? And I thought I was crazy for wasting the time writting it! Maybe we both need to visit the doctor because obviously we've very SICK! :lol:

I never said I actually read it all, I'm not that crazy!!:laugh:

ELP? Maybe Tarkus or Trilogy but after that is just gets to commerical for me. Actually from back in the day give me some Peter Gabriel era Genesis like Foxtrot or their best album of all Sellling England By the Pound!

ELP was for some reason the first acronym that came to my mind. I'm not even a real fan, The "Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends" line seemed appropriate for someone who you could say has posts that never end, LOL!:lol:

Have to agree with you on Peter Gabriel era Genesis love that stuff.:thumbup1:

and you're probably neo con fascist lite. You've just not grown enough yet to be the real deal but there's always hope!

Sounds like a drink at Starbucks...Ah..I'll have a "neo con fascist lite", Oh, and I'm in a hurry because some of us have to get out there and save the world from the possible liberal infection!!:thumbup1::laugh:

Enjoy the weekend!!