What??Now the truth comes out
You have the hardest pull in the building maybe the local don’t you
What??Now the truth comes out
You have the hardest pull in the building maybe the local don’t you
I'm dead serious when I ask this: Lets say I meet someone in the future and we date for a while and I decide I wanna marry this girl. You think she would be willing to sign a legal agreement saying that in the event of a divorce she gets nothing?
9+yrs/SEIU member
Though the Teamsters Union hasn't done much to be proud of over the last few years, this is probably the best union I've ever been a part of. Means a lot coming from a guy who is not a 'die-hard' union nut (with all due respect, lol). My years with the SEIU were absolutely horrendous. No structure, communication, or support, andty benefits. Literally, the only reason to stay there, was the $21/hr to push a broom (And half of that went to our medical plan). But after a while, money alone is not enough of a reason to work at a job.
And though I tend to support RTW idealogy, if and when my state decides we will no longer be required to pay union dues, I will continue to pay them. I feel that there is no way in hell we would get the pay/benefits we get right now, if it weren't for the union.
We just need to figure out who must get booted in a couple of years. We'll get back there
cant teach stupid andThis kid says he’s the hardest worker
Figured since he’s the hardest worker they’d put him on the hardest pull
Another union.... service employees....What’s an SEIU member
Service Employees International UnionWhat’s an SEIU member
Do you know the overall total?
Unofficial tally is:
960 Yes
210 No
4.5:1 Yes
Little over 40.5% turnout, better than I expected on this one.
What’s an SEIU member
And more powerful than the Teamsters???A Union with more members than the Teamsters.
Bottom line is this:
Our 3rd offer is the best we've received and it will most likely pass. You two can conjure up whatever theories you'd like but by voting down the two prior offers, we've negotiated a better deal for ourselves. Why does that upset you?
So there is one more vote coming up correct?
It's always easy for people from the outside to make opinions based on what they want and not what's good for people involved. If it's good for the guys in the area, I'm glad it got done to your satisfaction.
Now that it is done a question. Is it true that the local supplement Officers had tried to negotiate an excess amount of pension in the first offer? I heard they asked for too much to supplement some of the shortfall from some of the other companies.
Local 804 votes get counted on Wednesday. If it passes, that would leave just the ryder for 243. They are already in the central supplement so I don't know the real issues they are dealing with.
@stray and @BrownMonk.....you guys make me sad, as you sit back and reflect on all of this as if it's a "good thing" and was on the "up and up"???
Second offer worse than the first, yet somehow brought to the membership for a vote in hopes of not satisfying the two-thirds/50% rule.What wasn't on the "up and up"?