This is where they show the company they're serious about the no vote. I support the locals fighting for what is fair and best for their members. Isn't that the whole point of the union? They're screwing them no lube style but I hope they show up in mass numbers. At some point the teamsters need to wake up and remind ups we are the company not them.Is this rhetorical?
This is done to make the numbers less. Us Union UPSERS have places to be and go on a weekend, outside of the hub, families to take out and about. It's Spring, little league games are starting.
The vote is being held on Paper, on a Saturday, 30 minutes from the workplace, to deter union workers from voting.
Clear enough?
Come on now. You know the only reason for a week notice for a teamster to have to show up to vote on a contract is that the ibt knows it will not pass any other way. You may have nothing else in life to enjoy, but for most teamsters They do. It’s just not feasible for many reasons for someone to drive an hour or more and stay for a two hour meeting to vote with little notice. I don’t care what the reason is not to vote, your daughters wedding, a family members death, a child’s event, or whatever. The bottom line is this is voter surpression in hopes to meet a threshold enabling the union to force the contract on its members.So what's the problem ?
You get a personal explanation from the IBT General Secretary-Treasurer,
prior to voting.... was there something else you needed ?
I was actually thinking that was a strong possibility myself. It was 96% and 88% NO last time around, after all. I'm really, really hoping this is what happens, and Hawfa and Traitor end up sucking eggs for this bullIt may backfire and only bring out the hardcore No voters
Some back door deals going on.I was actually thinking that was a strong possibility myself. It was 96% and 88% NO last time around, after all. I'm really, really hoping this is what happens, and Hawfa and Traitor end up sucking eggs for this bullscheme.
I was actually thinking that was a strong possibility myself. It was 96% and 88% NO last time around, after all. I'm really, really hoping this is what happens, and Hawfa and Traitor end up sucking eggs for this bullscheme.
I was actually thinking that was a strong possibility myself. It was 96% and 88% NO last time around, after all. I'm really, really hoping this is what happens, and Hawfa and Traitor end up sucking eggs for this bullscheme.
2021It's shameful how they have sold us out. We are 27% of the teamsters and let's face it we are UPS. To see them bend us over and shove it in like this is just sad. I hope whoever we replace Hoffa with comes equipped with brass balls and a back bone. Can that be a campaign slogan?
So retro checks soon? Asking for a friend
So retro checks soon? Asking for a friend
You may have nothing else in life to enjoy, but for most teamsters They do. It’s just not feasible for many reasons for someone to drive an hour or more and stay for a two hour meeting to vote with little notice.
You know the only reason for a week notice for a teamster to have to show up to vote on a contract is that the ibt knows it will not pass any other way.
I'm really, really hoping this is what happens, and Hawfa and Traitor end up sucking eggs for this bullscheme.
Does anyone have info on the latest offer? It doesn’t affect me, but I’m curious what the differences were from last offer.
the gumby is lose, the gumby is lose
You should convert it to bitcoin firstim donating my retro to the trump campaign
im doing litecoinYou should convert it to bitcoin first