Little know fact:
Food stamps (EBT) can be used to buy seeds, seedlings, and plants that produce food. A lot of the people that are on SNAP do not know this. Spread the word to your less fortunate neighbors. Lend them a shovel.
I don't personally know firsthand for every state but
Oregon does for sure. Stands to reason there is no federal mandate against so makes sense others would follow suit.
Looking at some of the responses, which I expected, thus the thread purpose, lending a shovel is the last thing many want to do. I guess they just like digging the hole for them and then 8itching about it for political sport.
a guaranteed income. it would eliminate the bureaucracy. even milton friedman was in favor of it. a town in manitoba, canada tried it an it worked. there was a vice article about that town. switzerland had a referendum on it but fear got in the way.
You are correct. Friedman in fact did make the case for a guaranteed income in the form of what he called a negative income tax. This video from 1968' is Friedman discussing his idea. I find it fascinating in the way Friedman discusses the plight of the poor and is still respectful and seems to me to treat them with dignity. Friedman even uses the less disparaging term relief instead of the term welfare as we do today. William friend. Buckley, the host, seems at times to argue for a heavy hand in thinking many of these people incapable yet Friedman seems to argue otherwise and suggests these people are capable if others would get out of the way and I also agree.