What beer are you drinking now?


Victory Ride
So my wife goes to the store and buys me some beer while she is there. She knows I like IPAs so she picks up two 6 packs.

I open the fridge and think "hell yeah" because it's something I've never had before and I like to try new stuff.

Well I pour the beer and think to myself "wow this is almost see thru! Then I look at the can again...and...

View attachment 232528

My wife is trying to turn me into @Future
98 calories! 4%! WTF!!!
I need 2 keep my stealth figure ...so I can make the UPS calendar one of these years


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
So my wife goes to the store and buys me some beer while she is there. She knows I like IPAs so she picks up two 6 packs.

I open the fridge and think "hell yeah" because it's something I've never had before and I like to try new stuff.

Well I pour the beer and think to myself "wow this is almost see thru! Then I look at the can again...and...

View attachment 232528

My wife is trying to turn me into @Future
98 calories! 4%! WTF!!!
Sessionals can be flavorful. That's a new can . My son used to come over and drink all my Daytime


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont