What Did We Learn from Faisal Shahzad's Guilty Plea Speech?


Well-Known Member
You don't get out much, do you? Is that what you think all Islam is about? How very stereotypical of you.

I spent almost two years living and working with the people of Islam in some of the most sacred and important places to them. I am not sure what you think Islam is about but one of my observations is that it is not about peace or freedom. As a group they are very intolerant of others, even those in different branches within their faith. They feel justified killing those that have beliefs not in line with their own. They often justify killing solely in the name of religion (even fellow Muslims). Yes there is great wealth in some Muslim nations but even some of the most well off live in great poverty by our standards. I once visited a palace that was so large words could not do it justice. It was owned by an extremely wealthy person but no running water, sewage, or power. The owner claimed it was because his "God" wanted him to suffer. Within eyesight were people living in mud huts. I have seen the pilgrimage between Najaf and Karballa where they walk with no sandals while beating themselves on the back with a whip or canes all for self punishment. I have met a Muslim man with his eyes burnt out for looking at another mans wife. I never met someone with his hand cut off but I have met a man that had his leg cut off for committing a "crime". Yes people would disappear during the night to never be seen again for "crimes" as simple as possession of alcohol. I met one man that was hung by his wrists from the ceiling and beat for twelve hours for the "crime" of voting. We could not help him because he would be killed for the "crime" of accepting help from a non Muslim. Yes many of them feel justified to kill to prevent the freedom to do worship another God, or the freedom to not be bound by the laws of their religion. When you make a statement like you made it gives the appearance that you do not get out much. The bottom line is that Islam is many different things to many different people and for you to try and imply or say as you have in this thread that they hate us for some foreign policy when it has gone much longer and runs much deeper than that is absurd.

On the other extreme I have walked into houses with many dead Muslim men with weapons everywhere. When I asked the family members why they did not kill any of the attackers the answer would be because our Imam(sp?) had told them that killing other Muslims was wrong. My point is that you cannot take any one persons views or even one groups views and think that you can hold them up to represent a group as large as Islam. Muslims destroyed one of the worlds oldest mosques while I was there. In some respects we had more reverence for some of their holy sites than some of them did.


Staff member
What I am suggesting, Av, is that there are nations all over the world with huge Islamic populations that simply do not fit the stereotype that Babs has put forth. Remember we are talking about 1/5 the population of the world here. To say they are all the radicals of Yemen or Saudi Arabia or Somalia is simply wrong.


Well-Known Member
What I am suggesting, Av, is that there are nations all over the world with huge Islamic populations that simply do not fit the stereotype that Babs has put forth. Remember we are talking about 1/5 the population of the world here. To say they are all the radicals of Yemen or Saudi Arabia or Somalia is simply wrong.

That's as equally wrong as trying to imply that they are all peace loving pacifists who simply want to be left alone.


Für Meno :)
As far as I'm concerned, after 9/11 the whole western world should have put a ban on illegal immigration from any muslim/islam.
It's not too late... the G8 and G20 meetings are comming up tomorrow. I wished one country had the guts to bring up that topic, of not letting any more in, until they are in peace in the middle east. If it takes another 10 or 20 years, so be it.
Almost every western country now has sleeper cells planted in them.
Toronto stopped an islam gang from blowing up the CN tower, and other major buildings.
UK, Spain, and I think a few others have had bombs blowing up from islamic groups (sleeper cells).

Time to put a stop to it. Stop immigration of them !

We just had a mercy killing here , too. A young 16 yr old muslim daughter became to westernized. Didn't want to wear her headwear and hide her face anymore.
Father and son killed her (mercy killing). They both just got sentenced for 15 years each (without a chance of parole).

We don't need all this here.

I wonder how much it secretly costs the government, to keep an eye on them all ?

Oh, and btw, those 5 "americans" arrested in Pakistan back in March, also got sentenced today.. think 10 years each.
They all have islamic names, but are american citizens.


Staff member
That's as equally wrong as trying to imply that they are all peace loving pacifists who simply want to be left alone.
I don't think I came close to implying that. I think they probably for the most part are very much like anyone else.


Well-Known Member
what peace loving religion uses the slogan...." death to all infidels "?

Read the old testament and you might be surprised!

Not that the Catholic Church prior to the enlightenment (or afterwards) was by any stretch a house of angels when it comes to tolerance. Now they are a house of.....well, you know! Word is the Pope is going to announce a papal edict for a church hymn. The title sez it all!


And I'm not leaving the protestant churches out either but they were never smart enough to control the State as the Roman church did but they got their fair share of licks in as well.


"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"
--Denis Diderot

"Gods always behave like the people who created them"
-- Zora Neale Hurston

"We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
-- H. L. Mencken

"Men never commit evil so fully and joyfuly as when they do it for religious convictions"
-- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

"God created man in his own image. And man, being a gentleman, returned the favor."
-- Rousseau

"You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do."
--[from Usenet]

"I still say a church steeple with a lightening rod on top shows a lack of confidence."
-- Doug McLeod


Read the old testament and you might be surprised!

Not that the Catholic Church prior to the enlightenment (or afterwards) was by any stretch a house of angels when it comes to tolerance. Now they are a house of.....well, you know! Word is the Pope is going to announce a papal edict for a church hymn. The title sez it all!

And I'm not leaving the protestant churches out either but they were never smart enough to control the State as the Roman church did but they got their fair share of licks in as well.


I'd still rather live next door to a catholic or protestant then a libertarian
