What does the Bible say about...........???? "On Topic"


Well-Known Member
I still don’t like religion though, I can tolerate them to a point.
There are people of genuine faith and people of religion. People of faith can think for themselves and quietly live their faith everyday. Those are the people who I hold in the highest regard. People of religion they want somebody to do their thinking for them as evidenced by the many times they've come to my home unannounced and uninvited and attempted to forcibly impose their religious views for no other reason than for the fact that some higher ranking church official sent them out to do so under the threat of not getting into heaven if they didn't bow to the will of that official.


Staff member
There are people of genuine faith and people of religion. People of faith can think for themselves and quietly live their faith everyday. Those are the people who I hold in the highest regard. People of religion they want somebody to do their thinking for them as evidenced by the many times they've come to my home unannounced and uninvited and attempted to forcibly impose their religious views for no other reason than for the fact that some higher ranking church official sent them out to do so under the threat of not getting into heaven if they didn't bow to the will of that official.
It’s funny, really. It’s like there is another set of nonbelievers who can’t simply say “no thanks” and go about their lives. It’s like they insist on an argument as if the want to be spanked and dragged to church or something.

A lot of weird people in the world.


Well-Known Member
The question I have, and it really bothers me...the Bible makes it clear that relatively few will make it to heaven in comparison to the many who will spend eternity in hell. Knowing this, why did God allow the world's population to explode up to over 7 billion in the last century? If he is just why did he allow so many to come into the world who will never have a chance of eternal salvation?
Is that a legitimate question, or is a trapper setting his traps?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
There are people of genuine faith and people of religion. People of faith can think for themselves and quietly live their faith everyday. Those are the people who I hold in the highest regard. People of religion they want somebody to do their thinking for them as evidenced by the many times they've come to my home unannounced and uninvited and attempted to forcibly impose their religious views for no other reason than for the fact that some higher ranking church official sent them out to do so under the threat of not getting into heaven if they didn't bow to the will of that official.
Or they sincerely wanted to share their story of Salvation and eternal happiness with a jerk who resents getting his fat ass up from his recliner to answer the door.

El Correcto

god is dead
It’s funny, really. It’s like there is another set of nonbelievers who can’t simply say “no thanks” and go about their lives. It’s like they insist on an argument as if the want to be spanked and dragged to church or something.

A lot of weird people in the world.
It’s more just entertainment in mocking.

Like what if I believed every time I farted a kitten died, so after every fart I would say “Meow Meow” and take a tearful moment of silence for the dead kitten.

You’d find that strange and probably funny at first, then it would probably become kind of worrisome, like what else does this idiot believe.


Staff member
Or they sincerely wanted to share their story of Salvation and eternal happiness with a jerk who resents getting his fat ass up from his recliner to answer the door.
That’s fine as far as it goes. But I think people prefer to see how religious people live, not listen to them preach.

Which is both fair and unfair. There’s a lot of hypocrisy that rightly gets pointed out but a lot of very decent and very religious people that go quietly about their lives making small but meaningful impact in their communities. These people aren’t really appreciated in a representative degree by people watching from the outside.

El Correcto

god is dead
There are people of genuine faith and people of religion. People of faith can think for themselves and quietly live their faith everyday. Those are the people who I hold in the highest regard. People of religion they want somebody to do their thinking for them as evidenced by the many times they've come to my home unannounced and uninvited and attempted to forcibly impose their religious views for no other reason than for the fact that some higher ranking church official sent them out to do so under the threat of not getting into heaven if they didn't bow to the will of that official.
I don’t hold children waiting in the line to sit in Santa’s lap on high regard.


Staff member
It’s more just entertainment in mocking.

Like what if I believed every time I farted a kitten died, so after every fart I would say “Meow Meow” and take a tearful moment of silence for the dead kitten.

You’d find that strange and probably funny at first, then it would probably become kind of worrisome, like what else does this idiot believe.
Honestly, I think there’s a part of you that is maybe a little intrigued by religion.

I used to drive around the Iowa country side drinking 40’s of Old English 800 listening to religious talk radio and having mental arguments about how stupid religion was. WTF was that all about?!?

I get it now. I’m now just over a year since I fell out of regular church attendance for the second time in my life. And even though I’m fairly certain I’ll probably never go bac, I do miss it and I feel like I’ve failed my family in that.

And believe me, I have zero problem with irreverent comments and mockery of the church. I happen to agree with a lot of it. But there’s a lot of good people there doing a lot of good things too.

El Correcto

god is dead
Honestly, I think there’s a part of you that is maybe a little intrigued by religion.

I used to drive around the Iowa country side drinking 40’s of Old English 800 listening to religious talk radio and having mental arguments about how stupid religion was. WTF was that all about?!?

I get it now. I’m now just over a year since I fell out of regular church attendance for the second time in my life. And even though I’m fairly certain I’ll probably never go bac, I do miss it and I feel like I’ve failed my family in that.

And believe me, I have zero problem with irreverent comments and mockery of the church. I happen to agree with a lot of it. But there’s a lot of good people there doing a lot of good things too.
I don’t like the argument of there can be high functioning cult members.

I’m really not interested in it at all. Even when Shapiro was doing his Jew fairy tales at the end of every show I would just turn it off. I suffer from cultistphobia, one on one it’s not bad but when y’all gather in groups it’s concerning.


Well-Known Member
Or they sincerely wanted to share their story of Salvation and eternal happiness with a jerk who resents getting his fat ass up from his recliner to answer the door.
But many won't take a polite "no" for an answer. They just keep coming back again and again and again to a point where it becomes forcible . But, now that I'm a free agent sinner I will listen to their proposals if submitted through the required proper channels. In fact just the other day my agent got an got an e-mail from the Presbyterians asking that I not sign anything until they had a chance to review the offer and try to better it. Of all the offers submitted thus far and there have been quite a bunch the sticking point is usually the 5th year option and the signing bonus .


Well-Known Member
That’s because you’re a cultist that believes nonsense. But okay, do you fren.


Well-Known Member
There's a city in southern Mexico, San Cristobal de las Casas, that's named in part for a bishop Bartoleme de las Casas. What was so great about him? When the conquistadors were raping Mexico he stood up to them and protected local Chiapans. Still a hero there. I don't agree with a lot of the Catholic Church's practices but there are numerous examples of priests in the past, when the Catholic Church was THE Church, who selflessly and tirelessly worked to protect and assist countless people around the globe. Just as many groups, both Protestant and Catholic, do now. Christian groups are at the forefront of many natural disasters bringing relief aid from their members. You folks who like to spit on and denigrate everything about Christianity may someday find yourself receiving aid from said groups when you most need it, and no strings attached. You may resent them for their beliefs, but they are going to still keep doing what they do, and the world is a better place for it.

El Correcto

god is dead
There's a city in southern Mexico, San Cristobal de las Casas, that's named in part for a bishop Bartoleme de las Casas. What was so great about him? When the conquistadors were raping Mexico he stood up to them and protected local Chiapans. Still a hero there. I don't agree with a lot of the Catholic Church's practices but there are numerous examples of priests in the past, when the Catholic Church was THE Church, who selflessly and tirelessly worked to protect and assist countless people around the globe. Just as many groups, both Protestant and Catholic, do now. Christian groups are at the forefront of many natural disasters bringing relief aid from their members. You folks who like to spit on and denigrate everything about Christianity may someday find yourself receiving aid from said groups when you most need it, and no strings attached. You may resent them for their beliefs, but they are going to still keep doing what they do, and the world is a better place for it.
Wow that’s a wonderful story of crediting someone of not being a rapist. Now let’s take another look at the Catholic Church and see how that has held up since the 1500’s over all.


Well-Known Member
Wow that’s a wonderful story of crediting someone of not being a rapist. Now let’s take another look at the Catholic Church and see how that has held up since the 1500’s over all.
The point being it isn't all bad like you like to make it out to be.