There's a city in southern Mexico, San Cristobal de las Casas, that's named in part for a bishop Bartoleme de las Casas. What was so great about him? When the conquistadors were raping Mexico he stood up to them and protected local Chiapans. Still a hero there. I don't agree with a lot of the Catholic Church's practices but there are numerous examples of priests in the past, when the Catholic Church was THE Church, who selflessly and tirelessly worked to protect and assist countless people around the globe. Just as many groups, both Protestant and Catholic, do now. Christian groups are at the forefront of many natural disasters bringing relief aid from their members. You folks who like to spit on and denigrate everything about Christianity may someday find yourself receiving aid from said groups when you most need it, and no strings attached. You may resent them for their beliefs, but they are going to still keep doing what they do, and the world is a better place for it.