Well-Known Member
You are a living breathing human however, did August seem to be less intense, as a human of course, not a weatherman?I'm not a weatherman.
You are a living breathing human however, did August seem to be less intense, as a human of course, not a weatherman?I'm not a weatherman.
It was 73° in my house.You are a living breathing human however, did August seem to be less intense, as a human of course, not a weatherman?
We may never know.
I like to pull this stuff out any time a nut job starts rambling on about things like this. You can't argue facts with them, you can't even make them understand what the scientific method, which they claim to honor above all else, actually is. So you have to break it down to the most basic level for them, then, maybe, just maybe, they will start to realize there's a chance they could be wrong. Or maybe they'll just shut up and go away.
He wasn't from Georgia then ... Been right at or over 90° all month long.
It's been warmer than August.
I remember many days in the 1970's and 80's where we would have stretches of days in the real 100's not the feels like 100 degrees. now I realize its not an accurate measurement of global climate change but at the same time I'm glad i'm not seeing those days as much anymore .
Global tempertures were much higher in the 30s and 40's, then started trending downwards through the 70's until the alarmists started warning of the certain doom we were facing from global cooling. Things started heating up in the 80's and 90's, leveled off for a while, and have actually been decreasing as of late. Climate change is an undeniable fact, as much as it is impossible to put an end to climate change. CO2's involvement, thusly humans' contribution, to global warming and/or climate change is the most arguable issue in the entire matter.
To say that there is no debate about that point is a lie. Even climate scientists that are still recognized by the political machine have had to back pedal on their claims of the degree to which CO2 plays a role in temperature changes, especially after 3 decades of failed predictions based on faulty models. But you can't say any of that to a true climate change believer, they will just shut down and call you a science denier. Oh well, we never broke 100 this summer where I am, which is unusual, though it has been pretty dry.