What Locals are supporting?


Well-Known Member
Local 79

Master Yes

Supplement Yes

Our local has been in the back pocket of the international for years, our local president until last vote was the southern region V.P. He retired, but all his lackeys are still in charge. One of the BA’s has been saying privately to vote No, but doesnt have the balls to come out publicly. Many arent listening to them anyway. Its a No vote in my book!!


Well-Known Member
Local 177

Master: No

Supplement: Not out yet for members to go with an answer. Looks like a big No if no seniority change.

I’d love to know this as well. Best be no.

Went to the meeting today. The E-Board basically said vote how you want. They are staying neutral. They mentioned that 22.4 is controversial and not their idea. And that in the supplement they tried their best to "handcuff" the 22.4 language from the Master.


Well-Known Member
The local unions are pushing a vote yes are their supplemental agreement because the Presidents of each local have made a side deal with UPS labor that if they get it ratified in the first go around, there is extra money in the pot for health and welfare.

Out here in the east Sean O’Brien is getting his pension plan helped from its troubled status this way.

Vote no and sacrifice your future livelihood!


Well-Known Member
Wow! That's a bunch a tough looking soldiers.

I'd like to transfer there and whisper to a couple at the PCM this;

"Say do any of you ol' boys collect stamps?" ;)
The West has superior language than out here. That’s why they aren’t all up in arms about the master where their region and supplements have greater protections and a secondary 9.5 article

Laguna Preload

Well-Known Member
Yeah our leadership at 952 was outside our hub asking if we had any questions and handing out vote yes fliers. Said they wanted to listen to see if we had any concerns. I told them about the crap pay for part timers and how I felt sorry for my brothers that were not getting a catch up raise. After I voiced that one concern it was just like talking to a used car sales man. Didn’t really want to hear my concerns only wanted to persuade me to vote yes. The next week they were at it again so I just avoided them. Wasn’t in the mood for another sales pitch and to not really be listened to. I will be happily voting no next week.


Well-Known Member
Yeah our leadership at 952 was outside our hub asking if we had any questions and handing out vote yes fliers. Said they wanted to listen to see if we had any concerns. I told them about the crap pay for part timers and how I felt sorry for my brothers that were not getting a catch up raise. After I voiced that one concern it was just like talking to a used car sales man. Didn’t really want to hear my concerns only wanted to persuade me to vote yes. The next week they were at it again so I just avoided them. Wasn’t in the mood for another sales pitch and to not really be listened to. I will be happily voting no next week.

Not much in it for the part-timers except for full-time opportunity

The wage structure is certainly improved and now mirrors that of every other wage progression in it’s structure.

That is a positive for the unborn.

That being said, part-time ain’t designed to be a career. It’s a supplement for kids going to school. It’s been just lucrative enough in benefits to provide otherwise.

Go full time driving if you want the big money - or find anothwr industry union-labor position if you can’t drive that has better opportunity

Laguna Preload

Well-Known Member
Not much in it for the part-timers except for full-time opportunity

The wage structure is certainly improved and now mirrors that of every other wage progression in it’s structure.

That is a positive for the unborn.

That being said, part-time ain’t designed to be a career. It’s a supplement for kids going to school. It’s been just lucrative enough in benefits to provide otherwise.

Go full time driving if you want the big money - or find anothwr industry union-labor position if you can’t drive that has better opportunity
Part timers waiting for the new contract and ratification day! If this passes


Got the T-Shirt
Nm: no
Supplement n/a
Rider yes

Why would you list the Central Region supplement.... as N/A ?

(a) The UPS Joint Area Committee shall be composed of United Parcel Service representatives from the following Local Unions: 7, 17, 20, 40, 41, 89, 90, 92, 100, 120, 135, 164, 200, 215, 236, 238, 243, 245, 332, 337, 344, 346, 348, 377, 406, 407, 413, 455, 554, 580, 637, 638, 651, 688, 696, 795, 823, 908, 957, and 964.


Sure, the 344 Rider covers "certain" things.... but are participant to the Central Region.



Next gen teamster
Why would you list the Central Region supplement.... as N/A ?

(a) The UPS Joint Area Committee shall be composed of United Parcel Service representatives from the following Local Unions: 7, 17, 20, 40, 41, 89, 90, 92, 100, 120, 135, 164, 200, 215, 236, 238, 243, 245, 332, 337, 344, 346, 348, 377, 406, 407, 413, 455, 554, 580, 637, 638, 651, 688, 696, 795, 823, 908, 957, and 964.


Sure, the 344 Rider covers "certain" things.... but are participant to the Central Region.

At the time the supplement wasnt “public” so they had no stance on it. I believe its a no on it now however

Article 3

Local 908 PO/BA:

National Yes

Central Yes

We had a contract meeting about a month ago. The BA wrote down questions from members and never got back to them and then he told the members that subcontracting ups volume to the post office is good for the membership.

Our building is voting this down until language to screw us out of work gets removed.