@anHOURover: Now you can be a racist TDUite that's uninformed (not that you glean reputable info on here) and support someone with political aspirations above his local.
Feel the brotherly love?
I didn't think so.
That's all you get on here if you're not a Hoffaite.
And if you aren't with the other side you are called Hoffaite, Old Guard and so on. It goes both ways.
Some of us know because we have been actually involved, there is not a better person to represent us than KH regardless of how you feel about the CBA. He has done a better job representing the members than anyone on this website could ever imagine.
I wasn't in the room when Tim had the conversation with Liam to hear why he actually referred to members as clowns or talked about the bigger picture with his plans to run for IBT office but you are smart enough to understand what he meant. I don't agree with privately taping someone but if he hadn't would Tim lie about saying it. I think he would have. And that my brother is not someone that I would ever respect or want representing me.
Those are our choices.
People can make their comments and rip this apart but I don't care because in the end if Tim wins the members will lose more than they will ever know.