1. I've been to the panel for a lot of discharge cases. I've never seen anyone lose their job that was innocent.
2. I don't live paycheck to paycheck. If you have money saved like you should than a wrongful discharge with back pay will be a paid vacation.
BTW. How many panels you been to?
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I trust in your insight and wisdom like I trust the weather.
Going to a panel qualifies you for what?
It evidently doesn't make you a more honest person.
It's because it's members do t get involved. When 24% vote the union is weak. When 100 show up out of 3,000 at a union meeting the union is weak. When people are more concerned with washing their car than showing up at an organizing meeting the union is weak. When people making 100 grand in wages plus another 40 grand in benefits and bad rap their union the union is weak. That my brother is sad BUT it is the truth.
Some truth but not the whole picture in every case. The voting percentages are a good indication of the apathy in the ranks but there are underlying issues in many locals and you could see that in the locals that voted No.
407 appreciates his local and probably they have earned his allegiance. That's great. Actually, that's awesome.
There's a few locals down south that are truly disgusted with their leadership and are working on changing that.
It's not a simple fix. There are other variables.