When Being A Thug About It Goes Wrong


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with being rich? Am I left to assume that you became a FedEx contractor just so you would have money to donate to the homeless out of the kindness of your heart?


Inordinately Right
That shill will twist himself up like a pretzel to line his own pockets. His real answer is “Trump is good for my ratings and being super rich he cut my taxes.” Everything else is mental gymnastics to justify it.
Yes you're more into true journalists like Toobin over at the prestigious New Yorker. Seems like your type of guy....

New Yorker Suspends Jeffrey Toobin for Masturbating on Zoom Call​



Well-Known Member
Who said there’s anything wrong with being rich? Why do right wingers always cry victim?
Well you flat-out rejected the idea that he could possibly admit error and started in on "its just about money" and cutting his taxes. Those are GOOD things. Its good to have money and pay less to the government. Why anyone would be upset about that baffles me. Do you LIKE giving thousands of dollars to Trump's federal government to do the bidding of this administration? Technically youre paying for the wall to be built right now and here he is fighting for you to pay less for it and youre upset about that. Thats the biggest beef I have with taxes is, the allocation based on who is doing the governing. Im not trying to pay for Paco and his band of illegals to have healthcare while we have vets laying on the streets dying. Id rather keep more of my money and donate to the causes of my choice.

Regardless, I dont see Shapiro as being that jellyfish-like politically. He stands to lose more than he stands to gain in the current political climate by endorsing Trump. He could have just sat this one out so the fact that he didnt says alot.
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It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Well you flat-out rejected the idea that he could possibly admit error and started in on "its just about money" and cutting his taxes. Those are GOOD things. Its good to have money and pay less to the government. Why anyone would be upset about that baffles me. Regardless, I dont see Shapiro as being that jellyfish-like politically. He stands to lose more than he stands to gain in the current political climate by endorsing Trump. He could have just sat this one out so the fact that he didnt says alot.
I say Shapiro is a shill that exists only for money. He has no principles and will justify anything to make himself more money. In my opinion real patriots are happy to pay taxes that pay for the operation of our government and national defense. The richer you are the less personally impactful taxes are, to avoid them entirely is despicable.


Well-Known Member
I say Shapiro is a shill that exists only for money. He has no principles and will justify anything to make himself more money. In my opinion real patriots are happy to pay taxes that pay for the operation of our government and national defense. The richer you are the less personally impactful taxes are, to avoid them entirely is despicable.
I dont think its avoiding when its built into the tax code and to use the existing tax code to your advantage. Again, I guarantee you pay the taxes that you have to and not a cent more. If you were in the big dawg tax brackets you would do the same. Not trying to put just you on blast because you can bet you a** that all the democraps do the exact same (with the exception of hidden fraud thats constantly getting uncovered), but nonetheless. If there was no FedEx, you wouldnt be a contractor. If you werent a contractor, theres a few folks that wouldnt be drivers. Thats the business hierarchy. Implement a 10% flat-tax and watch all the mega corps learn how to speak Vietnamese and head over seas where they arent punished with taxes. THEY are the REAL sellouts, because thats EXACTLY what they do over and over again and have no loyalty to you or the US. On the other hand, it gives incentive to the brightest minds around the globe to come here and establish their businesses.


Well-Known Member
I say Shapiro is a shill that exists only for money. He has no principles and will justify anything to make himself more money. In my opinion real patriots are happy to pay taxes that pay for the operation of our government and national defense. The richer you are the less personally impactful taxes are, to avoid them entirely is despicable.
A lot of wealthy people sit on the sidelines rather than risk their wealth in a high tax environment. Why put your money on the line investing in new companies when the government is going to take a much higher percentage of your profits? Cutting taxes and giving tax breaks leads to job creation that benefits the rest of us. If a rich guy pays little in taxes but creates 10,000 new jobs then he deserves the breaks. Of course we could just take everybody's money and redistribute it and that would certainly lead to prosperity as it has everywhere it's been tried. 😇


Well-Known Member
A lot of wealthy people sit on the sidelines rather than risk their wealth in a high tax environment. Why put your money on the line investing in new companies when the government is going to take a much higher percentage of your profits? Cutting taxes and giving tax breaks leads to job creation that benefits the rest of us. If a rich guy pays little in taxes but creates 10,000 new jobs then he deserves the breaks. Of course we could just take everybody's money and redistribute it and that would certainly lead to prosperity as it has everywhere it's been tried. 😇

Exactly. Giving a junkie $3000/month to do nothing except for chase the dragon turns out isnt really a good business model lol. Need a degree in economics to understand that apparently lol

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
A lot of wealthy people sit on the sidelines rather than risk their wealth in a high tax environment. Why put your money on the line investing in new companies when the government is going to take a much higher percentage of your profits? Cutting taxes and giving tax breaks leads to job creation that benefits the rest of us. If a rich guy pays little in taxes but creates 10,000 new jobs then he deserves the breaks. Of course we could just take everybody's money and redistribute it and that would certainly lead to prosperity as it has everywhere it's been tried. 😇
Trickle down has never worked. The only time taxes stop someone from making more money is when idiots don’t work overtime because they think they get taxed more.


Well-Known Member
Trickle down has never worked. The only time taxes stop someone from making more money is when idiots don’t work overtime because they think they get taxed more.
And yet magically when Trump cut taxes investment began to flow. Don't you get tired of being wrong? Even JFK pointed out that cutting taxes results in more government revenue from the resulting increase in business activity.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
And yet magically when Trump cut taxes investment began to flow. Don't you get tired of being wrong? Even JFK pointed out that cutting taxes results in more government revenue from the resulting increase in business activity.
Tax revenue increases with population growth regardless of tax policy. The biggest test of trickle down was Kansas and it was a massive failure.


Well-Known Member
Tax revenue increases with population growth regardless of tax policy. The biggest test of trickle down was Kansas and it was a massive failure.
For obvious reasons. Every time the Federal government has cut taxes government revenue has increased. But spending increased with it instead of being fiscally responsible. And you can't say it was population growth if revenues start increasing as soon as taxes are cut, or shortly after. The Dems just want to redistribute wealth to those dependent on them so that they get votes and stay in power. It's a failed model as far as general prosperity goes. And now we have a bloated budget that Republicans are scared to trim for fear of losing elections. So we'll just head towards that cliff and sail into the abyss in due time.