Nine Lives
Well along came telematics and it made it safer and cut alot of management and we all lived happily ever after.
Nice theory ...

Well along came telematics and it made it safer and cut alot of management and we all lived happily ever after.
You say 2 that actually held up at panel. I am ok with, that our cases were probably weak to begin with.
Have you taken a moment to think about how much the employee really lost in each case that didn't go to panel and took the suspension or they got their job back at the panel.
with all that said, who truly loses in this situation when you get your job back? Answer: the employee
- having to tell your family/friends you lost your job or were suspended.
- stress
- anger
- denial
- depression
- loss of social status
- no benefits
- financial insecurity
- co-workers shunning you
- how are you going to support yourself or family during this time
You may have heard this before but I think its a valid statement:
We (company) win either way. They either do what we ask them to or they are asked to leave the company.
Follow the methods, make it part of your daily routine you will not regret it.
I was going to say, "Well Said", until I read the next post.What you guys are failing to understand is, its not that your Union is weak. Its that our cases against the employee are getting stronger and stronger. Proper documentation, follow - up, retraining, observations.
Go out there and do your job as though a supervisor is riding with you everyday. If you have a question about something, by all means call your center team and ask.
Just my 2 cents.
These 2 posts have equally great value and signifigance, even though they are from opposing sides.If I hear this ruthless,fear-based line toed again ...honestly, do you actually use your brain when you say this you use this line everyday to all of your drivers, too? Idiotic rhetoric at it's finest.
Oh that's right, at UPS we instill FEAR....It's all about the fear factor....keep them scared, starving, aching, overloaded, overcrowed, and of course overworried...they'll perform at their best...
Medline USA, sorry, don't have a contact name or number for you, but I'm sure you can look up the number to their corporate office and find someone in charge. They ship medical products with FedEx and I'm sure they would be willing to listen to someone that could quite possibly save them money. I've already tried our salespeople, but it seems that if you don't do just about all of the work for them, they don't try to sell the lead. To me, it's not all about putting in a lead to make some side cash. It's really all about growing the company.I turned in 3 this week.
I would appreciate any you would send my way.
Company name
Contact name
Full Company address
Phone number
And permission to call.
Thanks in advance
I thought the Union was there TO cut deals.what amazes me about the brown cafe i can seek out the workers from the kiss asses is there any place we can signify if your union ,management,or closet union aka act union tough around the brothers but cut deals to brown that nose up some ...........
Could you post that in English?
Wrong, he's MGMT.yes ur a kiss ass
That's a weird statement. Are you saying that UPS paying their driver's, say, 1/2 what they make now, would make the company safer? How do you come to this conclusion?If UPS didn't pay its drivers like professionals with master's degrees, they could afford to run a safer operation![]()
good 1 ...i sniff manager or letter of intent with u there tiger!!!!! i must be careful im on a cafe a warning............. as for contract i know my contract why hide i know my supplement rather well thanks for the concern though fraternally yours TBT (thats timeboustodd)
I agree, the stupid reasons the company comes up with to suspend anf fire employees only makes them look bad, not only to the general public but to the employees themselves. I have never understood why the company thinks that a pissed off driver is more efficient. I will tell you for sure, when you harass and try to intimidate people that spend their entire day interacting with your customers you get alot of negative publicity, and negative attitude from the employee. Negative attitude does nothing but make someone try their hardest to screw the company back!
How is that a win, win for the company?
The Contract is binding on both Management and Labor, but by the very nature of a Collective Bargaining Agreement, almost all clauses deal with what Management is obligated to do. Therefore almost all charges are of the Union grieving Management violations, and not the other way around.I find humor in that it is okay for you to file a grievance on UPS Management when there is violation of the contract, but it is not okay for Management to fire a person for violating the contract. If you are going to stomp and shout about Management violations of the contract, than realize that are violations made by the employee's as well. Contract is a two way street and not just a tool for the Union.
I find humor in that it is okay for you to file a grievance on UPS Management when there is violation of the contract, but it is not okay for Management to fire a person for violating the contract. If you are going to stomp and shout about Management violations of the contract, than realize that are violations made by the employee's as well. Contract is a two way street and not just a tool for the Union.
So any management employee who violates the wording of the contract should lose their job at UPS?
I "find humor" in that you think filing a grievance to protect your rights as a union employee compares somehow to threatening someone's job.
Sometimes an employee deserves to lose his or her job, it is the bullsh#t reasons that annoy me.
They don't stick but the attitude of Dragon and others that it is a win for the company to treat their employees this way is insane.
Not all sections of the contract involve termination, but the company has the right to enforce the ones that do. I would also say that on the majority of the terminations the other members only get the side of the story that favors the person being terminated. The purpose of discipline is to change a persons behavior.
That's funny, the way I hear it is that it's to change their employ.Not all sections of the contract involve termination, but the company has the right to enforce the ones that do. I would also say that on the majority of the terminations the other members only get the side of the story that favors the person being terminated. The purpose of discipline is to change a persons behavior.
I don't think anyone should be "threatened" to be fired. If you're gonna fire me, just do it already. If you're mad at what I did, state that fact. I'd prefer to be treated like an adult, than trying to manipulate me based on fear of termination, just sayin...Do you believe the company should threaten to fire someone for the following reasons?
1 An avoidable accident.. one that is not the driver's fault but 20/20 hindsight says that he could have avoided with superhuman abilities.
2 Scanning a known closed air package away from the location.
That's funny, the way I hear it is that it's to change their employ.
I don't think anyone should be "threatened" to be fired. If you're gonna fire me, just do it already. If you're mad at what I did, state that fact. I'd prefer to be treated like an adult, than trying to manipulate me based on fear of termination, just sayin...
.A person who is in management is not the company.
Your safety may very well be the most important thing in that management person's eyes because he/she is a person just like you.
The company is a collection of shareholders that elect a Board of Directors that selects Upper Level Management who is responsible for running the company to optimize profits.
If unsafe conditions jeopardizes the maximization of ROI then the company cares.
The 'company' cares about safety when it jeopardizes its profits.
That's just the nature of "companies" but not the nature of fellow humans ... well most anyway.
Its only important because it makes you feel better to say it. When drivers are out til 9 pm or later, safety is not the most important thing
.I have been out way past 9PM on thousands of occasions in my lifetime, and done so perfectly safely. It is what you are doing not the time of day that determines safety.
If UPS didn't pay its drivers like professionals with master's degrees, they could afford to run a safer operation![]()
.you say 2 that actually held up at panel. I am ok with, that our cases were probably weak to begin with.
Have you taken a moment to think about how much the employee really lost in each case that didn't go to panel and took the suspension or they got their job back at the panel.
with all that said, who truly loses in this situation when you get your job back? Answer: The employee
- having to tell your family/friends you lost your job or were suspended.
- stress
- anger
- denial
- depression
- loss of social status
- no benefits
- financial insecurity
- co-workers shunning you
- how are you going to support yourself or family during this time
you may have heard this before but i think its a valid statement:
We (company) win either way. They either do what we ask them to or they are asked to leave the company.
Follow the methods, make it part of your daily routine you will not regret it.