Never even heard of Land America how big could it be ??
I had never heard of AIG until...well when 95% of America heard of it.
bbsam is too busy expanding his empire at the expense of his indentured servants.
"All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them." H.L. Mencken
I am not at all offened. In fact in my warped mind I take it as a compliment. Though I probably should have been better informed (along with the majority of my fellow countrymen) I had little care for such happenings. But I will take your statement to suggest that I am a fairly quick study in contrast and comparison and finding similarities of concepts. As far as Upstate's comment, I don't find that insulting either. Everyone is in fact entitled to his or her opinion and though some take issue with Ground's business model, it is what it is and having a problem with it is having a problem with what is at worst a legal and profitable structure within United States commerce.Really! I'm a little surprised at that statement to be honest but I do agree most Americans never heard of AIG by name until the baloon went up. And my surprise should not be taken as insult but rather I just assumed by some comments in the past that you had a broader awareness that AIG for example was just a given. Could say I thought you were more well read and broader aware than that.
Oh well!
BTW: In this day and age you should be!
I am not at all offened. In fact in my warped mind I take it as a compliment. Though I probably should have been better informed (along with the majority of my fellow countrymen) Agreed, "WE" should have all been better informed and minding the store. I had little care for such happenings. But I will take your statement to suggest that I am a fairly quick study in contrast and comparison and finding similarities of concepts. Never too late for any of us to start and better late than never at all. Besides, scares theout of the plutocracy the more people do start looking and especially talking with one another. Very bad for them! As far as Upstate's comment, I don't find that insulting either. Everyone is in fact entitled to his or her opinion and though some take issue with Ground's business model, it is what it is and having a problem with it is having a problem with what is at worst a legal and profitable structure within United States commerce.
As for Upstate, I'm still wondering if he and Moreluck are actually sleeping with each other on the side and just pretending so people won't catch on!