Why the
is this even a topic? Excuse my language but UPS is an equal opportunity employer and there are many people from all religions, different sexual orientations etc..this should not be on this website. There is a forum called Reddit that this does belong on.
This is coming from a Christian.
Again, let me see Mr Christian, if I can clarify this for you...
Does that help?
This wacko, a Christian zealot, believes that the future of the USA, if Hillary gets elected, will sucumb to a shooting war to protect CHRISTIAN values..
This is simply INSANITY and typical of right wing religious losers who want to live like it was 1930.
He told his audience, that "some of them" would have to "spill their blood" to protect such wonderful ideas as NO GAY MARRIAGE, NO ABORTIONS, PRAYER IN SCHOOLS, and ONLY one GOD in this country.
And yet, the right wing wants to attempt to scare us about SHARIA LAW being forced down our throats?
NOBODY wants CHRISTIANITY shoved down our throats either.
From the founders to the majority of Americans today who are rejecting organized religion, NOBODY wants a national religion, especially Christianity.
But this GOVERNOR, believes that Americans need to start shooting at each other because we disagree with him and his ideals for America, so people need to start selectively start shooting those that dont believe. He tried to walk around using the Term "a new civil war", but his dog whistles for one were heard loud and clear.
You people, especially Christians, need to pay attention, because he is DIRECTING YOU, to follow his orders.
What will you do? As a Christian, are you going to ARM yourself and start shooting all the NON BELIEVERS, like they do in third world countries??
Thats why this is a topic in current events.
Understand now?