White coat syndrome and the DOT physical


Well-Known Member
Well, again, I barely managed to pass my DOT physical because I have a panic attack when I take the DOT physical. 30 years and no problems, but when my hearing got bad enough to need hearing aids and I still didn't have them, it put the fear of God in me and my BP spiked. Now it's spikes irregardless of having hearing aids and BP meds!
Just took it here at home. 127/76.
Kiss my $&@?(
Anyway, I wonder if it would matter if a guy switched general physicians so that the company DOT clinic is also your regular doctor. Then he would know your true history and spot white coat syndrome instantly.


Don't drink any coffee that morning. Calm yourself while you are waiting to be called back.

Think about the most beautiful landscape you are familiar with and place yourself there in your minds eye. While they are pumping the cuff and then releasing the pressure, continue to take slow controlled breaths. Visualize that special setting through it all.


Well-Known Member
Don't drink any coffee that morning. Calm yourself while you are waiting to be called back.

Think about the most beautiful landscape you are familiar with and place yourself there in your minds eye. While they are pumping the cuff and then releasing the pressure, continue to take slow controlled breaths. Visualize that special setting through it all.
Tried all that. Guess I'm just too high strung!


cap'n crunch
I used to scarf down a couple of bananas before the physical. The potassium is supposed to be good for BP. My personal Dr recognized the white coat with me. She gave me 4 or 5 sample packs of Lexapro. It settled me down a lot. Changing drs like you're talking about is discouraged. Accused one of our guys of "doctor shopping". Since I retired, I don't worry about my BP. strangely enough, it stays down now. lol.


Drink plenty of fluid the night before and the morning of your physical. The more hydrated you are, the lower your blood pressure.

Agree, 100%. On a related note, whether you are very hydrated or not, you do have to piss into a cup for the test. Make sure that the test and hence, the pissing is done before the blood pressure test. All that straining to hold that piss in(that you built up for the test) is not going to help your blood pressure.