White Folks Pandering

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

According to Seattle activists, home ownership is only because of White privilege and White supremacy, so therefore the suburbs need to be more ”equitable”. I’ll have to tell all my Black friends who own houses that they must be benefiting from White privilege and it has nothing to do with them working hard. Lol.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

According to Seattle activists, home ownership is only because of White privilege and White supremacy, so therefore the suburbs need to be more ”equitable”. I’ll have to tell all my Black friends who own houses that they must be benefiting from White privilege and it has nothing to do with them working hard. Lol.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

According to Seattle activists, home ownership is only because of White privilege and White supremacy, so therefore the suburbs need to be more ”equitable”. I’ll have to tell all my Black friends who own houses that they must be benefiting from White privilege and it has nothing to do with them working hard. Lol.

"Council radicals Teresa Mosqueda and Dan Strauss are starting the process of ending suburbs. They’ve introduced language that bans the use of the term “single-family only zones.” In its place will be an innocuous term: “Neighborhood Residential.”

Seems kind of pointless. All of those single black mothers couldn't afford Seattle anyway.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
"Council radicals Teresa Mosqueda and Dan Strauss are starting the process of ending suburbs. They’ve introduced language that bans the use of the term “single-family only zones.” In its place will be an innocuous term: “Neighborhood Residential.”

Seems kind of pointless. All of those single black mothers couldn't afford Seattle anyway.
Section 8.


Well-Known Member

According to Seattle activists, home ownership is only because of White privilege and White supremacy, so therefore the suburbs need to be more ”equitable”. I’ll have to tell all my Black friends who own houses that they must be benefiting from White privilege and it has nothing to do with them working hard. Lol.
The Federal government has been in a legal battle with Westchester County, NY since the Obama administration over that county zoning all residential property as single family units. No low income housing allowed. The funny thing is that county is mostly liberal Democrat. The government has brought up bigotry and racism. There's a concerted effort underway to bring "equity" to housing by relocating the poor to suburbs.


Inordinately Right
Seems kind of pointless. All of those single black mothers couldn't afford Seattle anyway.
The point is vouchers and free housing. Taking single family homes and making them multi unit rentals. Taking open lots and building multifamily properties.

This is all explicitly spelled out in the Biden-Sanders unity task force plans that were released, but ignored, before the election.


nowhere special
The point is vouchers and free housing. Taking single family homes and making them multi unit rentals. Taking open lots and building multifamily properties.

This is all explicitly spelled out in the Biden-Sanders unity task force plans that were released, but ignored, before the election.
Ghettoize the suburbs


Legio patria nostra
I wonder if Biden is going to address the greatest symbol of our White Supremacy and Dominance there is! That’s the building he lives in. He’s already pulling down statues and anything that can be twisted into a symbol of how we :censored2:ed over the blacks that other blacks captured and sold.

The White House….

If he and his cronies are hard over to change this country, wouldn’t that be logically on the list.

Maybe he’s doing all this to pander to the blacks but isn’t completely committed to go all the way as he claims?

The Black House?
The Everyone is Equal House?

Maybe a separate Presidential residence with a black President, black anthem, black flag is a better Dim solution?

Poop Head

Judge me.
what do i have to do to get the german anthem played?
Im sick and tired of people belittling me for my neo nazi beliefs! I demand that Adolf Hitler's "i have a dream" speach be played on the jumbotron at every NBA game next year! If that doesn't happen, well then, yall are a bunch of intolerant bigots!!


Well-Known Member
Im sick and tired of people belittling me for my neo nazi beliefs! I demand that Adolf Hitler's "i have a dream" speach be played on the jumbotron at every NBA game next year! If that doesn't happen, well then, yall are a bunch of intolerant bigots!!
the sad thing is you own those nazi beliefs whether you have them or not


Legio patria nostra

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Holy :censored2:! This is crazy! Aren’t schools supposed to make sure children can read, write, and do math before they get out of school??? What crazy parent would want standards lowered in the name of “equity?”
What’s next, elimination of grades for “equity”?