Old Man Jingles
Rat out of a cage
And then it began!Ok, @cheryl no emojis is crap!
And then it began!Ok, @cheryl no emojis is crap!
Lol, yeah but you're gonna have a blast with the misspellings and wrong words. Now I can t see what I type 'caused keyboard covers the textsGreat ... can we play some more?
I was sure it was a conspiracy! Was going to start a gofundme account. Save the idiot campaignAnd then it began!
Apparently, racism is not learned, it’s inherited. If you are white, you cannot avoid being racist. It seems that NOW, if you are white and claim to NOT be a racist, you are especially racist, the worst kind of racist.
Live it up. It's on.
How stereotypical of you. My ancestors came from Europe in the early 1900's as immigrants who suffered discrimination because of their country of origin. And somehow, by their incredible efforts, their progeny became contributors to society, never rioting, vandalizing, or looting, because they assimilated into the Great American melting pot. Through great effort on their part.Your statement is equivalent of minorities hating themselves for being brown or black.
You may not have participated in racism, but your ancestors did. Just as minorities feel the reverberations of years of stereotyping.
Both are wrong, but it is time now to level the playing field. It has been tilted in one direction far too long.
Cool video.
I was sure it was a conspiracy! Was going to start a gofundme account. Save the idiot campaign
The whole blacks selling other blacks into slavery is always overlooked.
It's OK Cheryl ... Benben is our bratty teenage representative!
There are plenty of emojis!
View attachment 299274
Apparently, racism is not learned, it’s inherited. If you are white, you cannot avoid being racist. It seems that NOW, if you are white and claim to NOT be a racist, you are especially racist, the worst kind of racist.
Live it up. It's on.
Watch out for the cancel culture!the worst racist is the one that denies being racist.
so by proudly stating i am a racist i suddenly am acting in a non racist way.
stay tuned this may change by tomorrow
View attachment 298885
How come all of this faded and no longer able to be pressed?
Do we have to pay for that extra feature or what?
Ok I see the top bar, greyed out and not "clickable" starts with the page looking icon left of B ends with icon right of clockwise arrow.
hmmmm, this is the first report I've gotten about a problem like this. I'll have to ask over at xenforo to see if there's something I can add/do to fix it. Otherwise maybe try restarting your device. Sometimes that fixes my android phone when it gets glitchy.
And they deride Trump for holding a Bible in front of a church.
Someone told me to hit the little gear icon on the dash. Fixes that.This might work Cheryl. Wrong had the same problem the first day. Clear your cache, its what worked for Wrong