browned out
Well-Known Member
Nice job red and 705. The rank and file across the country need to know we should.have receiced a better contract. Maybe u can get the ibt to publish a comparason of two contracts in one of their magazines.
Why did management wait till the last day to actually negotiate and stop trying to force their garbage concessions down 705's throat? PT package drivers, air exception drivers servicing ground, what a joke.Red its not a flame its an honest evaluation of how your union handled these talks.
Your guys lost a lot of credibility especially when 710 settled their contract without all the theatrics.
They gained credibility when they got better language in their contract.
Why didn't UPS give all the negotiating committee time off when the talks first started and finish it before we lost shippers? They had the power to, why wait and cost the company volume?
Why did management wait till the last day to actually negotiate and stop trying to force their garbage concessions down 705's throat? PT package drivers, air exception drivers servicing ground, what a joke.
Why didn't Local 705 start negotiations until july? you think UPS was happy about that?....could that be why they wanted to shove concessios at 705??.....p/t air drivers helping serve our customers? that so bad??
They gained credibility when they got better language in their contract.
What better language did they get??? Oh yea the 1 additional day off a year!!....what else do they have that most of the teamsters around the country don't??.........make sure you know wht your talking about!!
Why didn't UPS give all the negotiating committee time off when the talks first started and finish it before we lost shippers? They had the power to, why wait and cost the company volume?
The Local made the decision to flex mucles and wait until July ! ! Thats why we lost a 25 million dollar account in chicago there are many more as well ! !
Why did management wait till the last day to actually negotiate and stop trying to force their garbage concessions down 705's throat? PT package drivers, air exception drivers servicing ground, what a joke.
Why didn't Local 705 start negotiations until july? you think UPS was happy about that?....could that be why they wanted to shove concessios at 705??.....p/t air drivers helping serve our customers? that so bad??
We started june 9th. We initated the dates with the company.
They gained credibility when they got better language in their contract.
What better language did they get??? Oh yea the 1 additional day off a year!!....what else do they have that most of the teamsters around the country don't??.........make sure you know wht your talking about!!
Maybe you should know what your talking about. We did not move backwards on any language. We either bettered our language or kept current contract language. You can look up what we gained in ups discussion under handshake thread.
Why didn't UPS give all the negotiating committee time off when the talks first started and finish it before we lost shippers? They had the power to, why wait and cost the company volume?
The Local made the decision to flex mucles and wait until July ! ! Thats why we lost a 25 million dollar account in chicago there are many more as well ! ! Actually cdw is back on monday. I was hoping to get past all of this bs with knuckle heads like you and tie but if you want to keep getting put in your place im in. The reason you lost accounts here and in chicago is because your team in chicago was dragging their feet. Maybe they realized what they were doing thursday night when they saw all the fedex drivers from around the country staying in the same hotel we were having our talks. A couple actually thanked management in their way in after i pointed them out for the business they were gaining.
I don't think I would call a handshake agreement on July 30th "EARLY" !
What would you call when the National contract was signed?
Hoffa 2 should be replaced by the 705 team, I would vote for this in an instant. This would be the companys worst nightmare! A weak contract shoved down the throats of the national gave corporate the impression the same could be done to 705 without the threat of a strike. They were wrong and we fought. If our national was fighting for us this would never have happend.
I'll keep this simple since I know there is much about negotiations you and your leaders don't understand.
local 710 no theatrics , no strike vote. Settled early.
Local 705 major drama, strike vote , constant strike threats .
Both negotiated with UPS who negotiates contracts the same way.
Local 710 handled it all with quiet professionalism and got it done early.
705 pissed its pants and got the whole country worked up in the process.
The 705 team should be made to join hoffa 1 for their incompetence.
Very well said ! !.......I will add that the leadership in local 710 has class !
If i was part of 710 i would take this as in an insult coming from management!
Red you are ignorant !! as you sat in negotiations you did not see that your leadership was clueless on how to get things done?? If it wasn't for the heavies the IBT brought in, you guys would be on strike right now pounding the drums ! !
No one from the ibt negotiated our contract, 705 and 705 only handled it. If our clueless leaders had no idea what they were donig how did we better our language from the national. And not go backwards on any of our issues.
We should probably thank hall for attending. I bet he had a little sidebar with the 705 boys and told them to stop dicking around. It was amazing how quickly they changed their tune.
Who changed their tune? Do you see any of those outrageous proposals that ups offered us in our language? When we walked out at 11pm on wednesday night they new it was time to get serious and that we had planned to walk. Over 50 stewards from outside of ups had been pulled out of work to assisr in setting up the picket lines.We should probably thank hall for attending. I bet he had a little sidebar with the 705 boys and told them to stop dicking around. It was amazing how quickly they changed their tune.
Who changed their tune? Do you see any of those outrageous proposals that ups offered us in our language? When we walked out at 11pm on wednesday night they new it was time to get serious and that we had planned to walk. Over 50 stewards from outside of ups had been pulled out of work to assisr in setting up the picket lines.
You and your minnie me bloody brown again have no idea what you are talking ablout.
Are you kidding me. you guys pulled the gun out and waved it in the companys face. You threatened to use the gun everyday. Next thing I know you're holding the companys hand and singing kumbyya.
Where I come from you don't pull the gun out unless you plan to use it. Your boys talked a good game but had no stones. Someone gave your guys a serious attitude adjustment because i've never seen someone change their tune as quickly as your guys did. They lost all credibility with the union goons who were jacking off hoping your boys would be the ones to do it.
Are you kidding me. you guys pulled the gun out and waved it in the companys face. You threatened to use the gun everyday. Next thing I know you're holding the companys hand and singing kumbyya.
Where I come from you don't pull the gun out unless you plan to use it. Your boys talked a good game but had no stones. Someone gave your guys a serious attitude adjustment because i've never seen someone change their tune as quickly as your guys did. They lost all credibility with the union goons who were jacking off hoping your boys would be the ones to do it.
If we got an attitude adjustment as you stated how come our contract does not contain any of ups's proposals? Its a simple question tie! Put up some facts to back your argument or forever be known as a propoganda spreader. Evidence!That seems to be pretty accurate ! !
If we got an attitude adjustment as you stated how come our contract does not contain any of ups's proposals? Its a simple question tie! Put up some facts to back your argument or forever be known as a propoganda spreader. Evidence!
Man you to love patting each other on the back, any wedding bells in the future? We now have same sex benefits in chicago just put in for a transfer.
If we got an attitude adjustment as you stated how come our contract does not contain any of ups's proposals? Its a simple question tie! Put up some facts to back your argument or forever be known as a propoganda spreader. Evidence!
Man you to love patting each other on the back, any wedding bells in the future? We now have same sex benefits in chicago just put in for a transfer.
If we got an attitude adjustment as you stated how come our contract does not contain any of ups's proposals? Its a simple question tie! Put up some facts to back your argument or forever be known as a propoganda spreader. Evidence!
Man you to love patting each other on the back, any wedding bells in the future? We now have same sex benefits in chicago just put in for a transfer.