golden ticket member
I don't think they were started by me.....I can't control other people.....obviously!There is one member who has three of her own.
Let's see, it's the weekend and you are bored.......yep, it's the real Upstate.
I don't think they were started by me.....I can't control other people.....obviously!There is one member who has three of her own.
Nice posts by Klein i am agreed with you and obviously the other persons are also share good and informative posts
actually i was also same this problem and i was in searching for this help via make a thread like this and get different
ideas from your type of experienced persons but this si good and informative thread i have solve my problem....
Ask long has it been since you worked at UPS ?? You may find his info. not so accurate.
Over 28 years with hubby having many positions (starting as an off the street hired driver) I did pick up a lot and a lot of the info from the mgmt end of things that you've probably not even heard about....says the person who has never worked for UPS yet posts as though she is an expert on everything UPS...
Ask long has it been since you worked at UPS ?? You may find his info. not so accurate.
MBC ??So then your husband should post on operations threads, not you. You have no direct experience or knowledge of the inner workings of a UPS hub/center/gateway and should leave discussion of operations topics to those who do.
If you are so knowledgeable, what does the acronym DIAD stand for? What about ASD, OCA, PAS, EDD, AEPU, or OTPU?
MBC ??
Hubby golfs and invests....that's what he likes to do. He doesn't do Brown cafe.
That's what I like to do.
You think you are soooooo smart and the biggest showoff I have ever experienced. You rattle that crap off everyday because you have to. I don't have to do anything if I don't want to. Retirement is great!!
Thanx Cach, but I'm not playing that game with him.Ask him how many oz in a cup and other cooking things like that.
Ask him how many oz in a cup and other cooking things like that.
That's the 2nd time I read're getting old and repeating yourself (like I give a flying frick what you think).I only use the metric system. 25.4 center manager sounds more impressive.
moreluck, you embarass yourself when you post on threads which deal with package operations.