Who is McCain?
Union workers canvas against McCain
By Steve Gengler
Courier Times
September 4, 2008
Hours before John McCain gave his acceptance speech Thursday night at the Republican National Convention various local union members canvassed lower Bucks homes speaking to fellow union members about John McCain’s anti-union voting record. above Jeffrey Stafford (center), who is an 8th grade teacher in Philadelphia as well as a member of the Pennsylvania State Education Association, is greeted at his Levittown home by members of the Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses & Allied Professionals (left to right) Lower Bucks Hospital nurse Barbara Sullivan, PASNAP president Patricia Eakin, and PASNAP political coordinator Kathleen Casey. The three handed out information documenting John McCain’s anti-union voting record and rallied support for Obama. left State Rep Patrick Murphy spoke to the canvassers at the Boilermakers Union Hall in Levittown before the hit the streets.
Any Union Members think before you vote these are teachers and professionals speaking against MC Cain
Anti-Union Record!
And for the record TIEGUY and OVER 95er are for an Anti-Union President!
I am sure TieGuy will want this post deleted too, so much for Democracy!
Steelworkers President To Palin: ‘Stop Using Your Husband’s Membership In The USW As A Prop’»
When Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) introduced Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, he trumpeted her husband’s union membership: “The person I’m about to introduce to you
was a union member and is married to a union member, and understands the problems, the hopes and the values of working people,” he said.
That day, and again last night, Palin also emphasized that her husband is “a
proud member of the United Steelworkers Union.”
Conservatives are hoping the reference will play well in Michigan and Ohio. But the United Steelworkers union (USW) isn’t so pleased. USW President Leo Gerard noted that just because Todd Palin is a union member doesn’t mean that Palin is automatically qualified to
represent labor interests:
It is important to realize that while the governor’s husband is a member of a union, this does not automatically qualify her for an on-the-job training program to become a heartbeat away from the presidency. And while her husband is one of 850,000 dues-paying members of the steelworkers union, it does nothing to absolve Sen. McCain of his long history of anti-union sentiment and anti-worker actions.
Statement by USW International president Leo W. Gerard on John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate:
“It is important to realize that while the governor's husband is a member of a union, this does not automatically qualify her for an on-the-job training program to become a heartbeat away from the presidency. And while her husband is one of 850,000 dues-paying members of the steelworkers union, it does nothing to absolve Sen. McCain of his long history of anti-union sentiment and anti-worker actions, including continuously pushing an anti-working family agenda that:
• Opposes giving workers the right to bargain collectively;
• Jeopardizes retirement security by privatizing social security;
• Further threatens job security by signing more job-stealing trade deals without regard to human rights and environmental standards, and
• Erodes the ability of working families to secure quality health care by taxing their employer-provided coverage for both active and retired workers.
McCain's choice is another example of his poor judgment and his desire to play politics as usual. McCain-Palin is not a team that works for working families. The first-term governor's record is thin and divisive. And John McCain has a life-long record of being for the rich and powerful. No union card can hide that - not any more than Ronald Regan's union card did."
If union workers are not convinced of McCain being Anti-Union then nothing will this is JOHN MCCAIN!