Who is the biggest loser in this failed Coup attempt

who is the biggest loser in this Failed Coup attempt

  • WAPO , NY times and the MSM followers

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • CNN

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • Comey and his FBI henchmen

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • AVenatti , Cohen and any other sleaze lawyer

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • 2020 democratic Presidential hopefuls

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Obama Intelligence group who now parrot on the Liberal news sources

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • All the snowflakes hoping to see Trump in chains

    Votes: 16 84.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Yes, Mueller's attempt to say that those indictments of 26 persons and 3 Companies that have no presents within the USA, was foolish and done to appease the media. There was no way anyone would come to the USA and Mueller knew it. However that one company that did hire some US Lawyers to defend themselves are having a tough time with Mueller's Team asking for more time. Why would they need more time after serving an indictment ? The Indictment states what the charges are.
And is a confirmation the prosecution is prepared to move to trial or a negotiated plea.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The president acted foolishly. He acted in a manner in which people could logically believe that he was attempting to obstruct justice.

So if you say that the investigation and it’s 30+ indictments was a waste of time and money, I wonder if that means you’re saying it’s ok for criminals to commit crimes as long as nobody finds out?

And this idea that Mueller and his team were out to destroy good people...who? The indicted, confessed and the convicted?
Trump? C’mon. Nobody believes he’s a good and decent man.

If you say they were “attempting a coup”, lol, how exactly do you believe that would happen? Impeachment? 25th Ammendment? Those are constitutional measures. How can constitutional measures be a coup?

I realize you’re all emotional about this, but if you breathe deeply and give rational thought a chance to return, you’ll see how foolish you’re being.
So y’all Libturds feel you don’t have any chance against Trump, so you go all in with another fabrication about Trump being a bad boy.


nowhere special
So y’all Libturds feel you don’t have any chance against Trump, so you go all in with another fabrication about Trump being a bad boy.
bad man.gif


Engorged Member
You know good and well that no redactions won't happen. That allows you to scream "The fix is in! It all rigged! Mueller is a Republican!"

No. Show the report in full unredacted form to the House Intelligence Committee. At the very least, the Gang of 8.


IE boogeyman
so when the AG releases the full report and it shows the summary is correct, we can expect apologies from the left for sabotaging American politics for the last 2 years?


Engorged Member
This is just politics now.
Maybe always.

The Right whined throughout the entire Obama administration. Once they had the majorities in the Senate and House it was meaningless investigations ad nauseum. Now, we have a president that is truly a nut job in absolute need of investigation, and you whine like babies when they look into his very questionable conduct.

Quit being fragile pink, lacy snowflakes that melt as soon as someone says "boo".


Inordinately Right
The Right whined throughout the entire Obama administration. Once they had the majorities in the Senate and House it was meaningless investigations ad nauseum. Now, we have a president that is truly a nut job in absolute need of investigation, and you whine like babies when they look into his very questionable conduct.

Quit being fragile pink, lacy snowflakes that melt as soon as someone says "boo".
I am enjoying the :censored2: show.
You know why?
Because politics is entertainment.

You need to get some perspective.

Here's an idea:
Wring out your panties, wipe away your tears, and focus on finding an electable candidate to go up against the fat dbag that's in the white house.


IE boogeyman
This is just politics now.
Maybe always.
benghazi was absolutely bungled by Clinton/Obama
they were responsible, the degreee is debatable

Trump did not collude with the Russians, not even a little bit; 0%

one was politically charged, but ultimately correct

the other is completely fabricated to sabotage a US President from carrying out his elected mandate


get a clue dude