Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Sir, most everything you said is untrue. A person is terrible because they treat a fellow human in a less than humane way.

I have no ‘crew’, and don’t ever label someone as terrible because they have a different philosophy. I do make exceptions for Nazis and racists and misogynists. They are all terrible.

An inordinate number of posters on this forum seem to be just terrible people. They are not the neighbors I would want.

Enjoy your family this weekend, and spend time with friends.

wow like watching Bill Clinton speak out against sexual assault.
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I've never argued otherwise.

I've never argued that it is without good reason for the most part.
This is what happens when people come into the United States and do not assimilate and who are without an appreciation for the responsibility to be a productive and responsible member of the USA society.
I agree. Those despicable Europeans refused to assimilate to the Native American culture.:happy2: