Who stole my Country ??


golden ticket member
The lyrics say so....

This is my country! Land of my birth!
This is my country! Grandest on earth!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country to have and to hold.

This is my country! Land of my choice!
This is my country! Hear my proud voice!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country to have and to hold.



Well-Known Member
The Muslims want to build a mosque at ground zero and a boy wearing a rosary in honor of his dead brother & uncle is suspended from school. Am I on earth?? Is this America ?? I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone or the Outer Limits?? :dissapointed:


Wear it inside your shirt close to your heart.....Kids today are disrepecting religous symbols to be cool and wanna-be gangbangers...Pathetic !

Not with more Ran Paul speeches.:happy-very: Ok. Time to go abuse workers.

Rand was put on TV timeout by his handlers, just like Sister Sarah.......even cancel Sunday's Face the Nation or Meet the Press

Perhaps we can also build a shrine there for those brave muslims that gave their lives flying those planes. :its_all_good:

Perhaps a hand-holding stroll thru Camp David's Gardens with Bush's kissing cousins "the Saudi's" can finance it.....I mean after all we've thrown haymakers upon everyone else in the region except them...


Well-Known Member
Rand was put on TV timeout by his handlers, just like Sister Sarah.......even cancel Sunday's Face the Nation or Meet the Press

Ron Paul and Alan Colmes Discuss

I agree Rand Paul ducking out on Sunday's FTN or MTP was chicken :censored2:! And if the Louisville Newspaper knew these views several weeks ago why not bring them out before now?

It's not a hidden view at all if you look beyond the state apparattus of the ministry of propaganda.

Rand Paul, Civil Rights And More Liberal Hypocrisy on Race


Space Cadet
Ron Paul and Alan Colmes Discuss

I agree Rand Paul ducking out on Sunday's FTN or MTP was chicken :censored2:! And if the Louisville Newspaper knew these views several weeks ago why not bring them out before now?

It's not a hidden view at all if you look beyond the state apparattus of the ministry of propaganda.

Rand Paul, Civil Rights And More Liberal Hypocrisy on Race

The Louisville newspapers and TV stations DID bring it out; however, until Paul actually WON the primary, which EVERYONE in KENTUCKY knew was going to happen, the national press wasn't paying attention at all. After all, who cares about Kentucky? Once Paul won by the double digit margin every poll had been predicting for months, suddenly the rest of the country woke up and said, "Huh?"
Then, unfortunately for Paul, he started getting wider press for his answers to tough questions. Oops...


Well-Known Member
And the reason I call it the ministry of propaganda

Interesting to say the least. And it goes both ways too. Step outside the narrow framework of the State apparatus and you'll be attacked, ridiculed or made fun of. From a Rand Paul or Pat Buchanan to Ralph Nader or Dennis Kucinich to MLK, Marcus Garvey Malcolm X or even native Americans like the American Indian Movement, the State apparatus attacks with equal zeal, All the while the party boobas of the supposed 2 opposite sides of the state act as myna birds only repeating what they've been told to squawk. And yet they scream about the ever reducing amounts of seed and water in their cages while staring at an open cage door leading to freedom but to gripped and conditioned in fear to fly out of!


Well-Known Member
The Louisville newspapers and TV stations DID bring it out; however, until Paul actually WON the primary, which EVERYONE in KENTUCKY knew was going to happen, the national press wasn't paying attention at all. After all, who cares about Kentucky? Once Paul won by the double digit margin every poll had been predicting for months, suddenly the rest of the country woke up and said, "Huh?"
Then, unfortunately for Paul, he started getting wider press for his answers to tough questions. Oops...

Another item about the Ky run off not talked about much, was the Democratic primary race had a better voter turn-out than the Nationally touted race between "Tea-Party" candidate "Son of Ron" vs the Gop Slug...One would think with all that hype the Rep's would have represented....Guess not.


Well-Known Member
Another item about the Ky run off not talked about much, was the Democratic primary race had a better voter turn-out than the Nationally touted race between "Tea-Party" candidate "Son of Ron" vs the Gop Slug...One would think with all that hype the Rep's would have represented....Guess not.

I haven't looked at the numbers but I have wondered about that. Where do actual numbers stand from past elections in Kentcky? Looking at the surprising large number of retirements from bothsides of the isle and rejection of incumbents (Bennett and Spector for example) Kentucky may have been more about a larger rejection of McConnell and the Washington GOP than anything else.

A much greater concern for the beltway gangsters is a growing trend of cooperation and understanding amongst a principled core on both sides of the political spectrum. Progressive/liberal icon Robert Scheer found reason to celebrate Rand Paul's victory (and more Q & A) not that he completely agrees with the agenda but that he knows like many paleo-cons and minarchist libertarians that he has been betrayed by his side of the political isle elite who claim to represent his interests. But like Scheer, there are libertarians who have looked across the supposed isle and found common cause. Scheer BTW doesn't believe the dems will lose Congress and that may prove true but more important than turn over Congress from one set of pukes to another is to turn out incumbents (especially in the primaries) which IMO would be a much greater message sent.

This past weekend over a net conversation, Daniel McCarthy known for his continuing contributions to the paleo-con "The American Conservative" informed Sheldon Richman of "The Freeman" and others of us that he is as we speak doing background for an article on Saul Alinsky and it's by no means an attack piece. Daniel has met some folks that knew Alinsky well and he's getting access to numerous private writtings as he's amazed at what he's learning. Sure there are differences but turns out Saul opposed the War on Poverty (he understood what is actually is and not in the myth painted by the State) and believed in localist control which has a very anti-federalist ring to it. I have to admit we all enjoyed a brief comedy hour on the net while discusiing the reaction of the GOP motormouths to a paleo-con article showing a positive side of Alinsky and his ideas on small, localist gov't. Playboy magazine just before Alinsky's death in 72' did a series of interviews with Alinsky and they called him a modern day Thomas Paine and after reading I was surprised in that I had to concur in several areas.

Outside of "Big State" politics, a larger and growing conversation is taking place that rejects big state politics and looks to small and localism for ideas and how to move forward. These conversations tend to be non-partisan and true transparency where all ideas and thoughts are out on the table in the open sunlight for all to see. Many even become self reflective and thus more principled and it's at the principle level that non-partisanship takes place and agreements on solutions begin to emerge. People still hold to differences but positive ground is gained and people tend to move forward in a positive way. This is what more than anything else scares the :censored2: out of bothsides of the power broker state and this is a good thing IMO.



Staff member
Rand Paul goes into hiding

By Gabriel Winant

Last Friday, Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul went on ABC's "Good Morning, America," and the first words out of his mouth after saying hello were, "When does my honeymoon start? I had a big victory."
It must be thrilling for a political novice like Paul to win such a resounding victory in a Republican primary while maintaining his posture of ideological purity. The guy is clearly not prepared, however, for bridging the difference between a primary and a general election. Talking to George Stephanopoulos on Friday, he complained, "For an entire 24 hours, I’ve suffered from them saying, 'Oh, he wants to repeal the Civil Rights Act.' But that's never been my position." Stephanopoulos tried to clear through Paul’s frenzied deflection, to point out that Paul is obviously lying about his own clearly-stated beliefs. There comes an amazing moment at 1:40 of this video, where Stephanopoulos announces that he's going to read a letter to the editor Paul wrote in 2002, and Paul has to jump in and start filibustering. It's a rare sight: a candidate for federal office flailing to keep his own words off the air.
So the GOP nominee is now banking on people knowing as little about him and his opinions as possible. Paul is a candidate who believes himself to be a daring truth-teller, but refuses to answer substantive questions as "gotcha" attempts, or veers off on non-sequiturs to get away from straightforward interviewing. Obviously, this is a great day for democracy.
Paul's opposition to fairly bedrock pieces of American law, however, raises a whole host of other questions that he really ought to answer before he expects people to vote for him. If he's anything like consistent, it's hard to imagine that he believes in social security or Medicare, the minimum wage -- just to name a few. But how can we be sure? What will he admit to? In other words, he's exactly the kind of candidate who should be going on Meet the Press.
Which is why it's a damn shame that he canceled his appearance on yesterday’s "Meet the Press." A spokesman for the candidate explained on Friday, "Rand did 'Good Morning, America' today, set the record straight, and now we are done talking about it."
This is simply not something that Paul gets to decide. Talking about important issues is not a favor that a candidate does for the press. It's an obligation, and at this point, he's produced nothing better than a haze of misdirection. (And if I hear one more white Republican condescendingly reassure us that civil rights law is not an important issue, I'm going to blow my stack. Besides, Paul's stand on most major issues is now in doubt.) Representative democracy just can't work if candidates act like this.
Of course, it's pretty revealing that Paul had to start obfuscating his real views as soon as he became a general election candidate. What we're likely to see between now and November is the gradual transformation of the ideologically idiosyncratic Rand Paul into something much more like Trey Grayson, the generic Republican who lost the Republican primary last week.
Grayson is, well, pretty gray. There's a reason he didn't catch fire in the primary. But he would never have made Paul's rookie mistakes. This is not only because he's a seasoned politician. It's also because the Republican Party has mainly abandoned the orthodoxies of paleoconservative libertarianism that are unpalatable to the mainstream. Paul thought he could revive those tenets by pure force of will. He's been trying, essentially, to be a third-party candidate on a major-party ticket. Almost immediately, he's found out this doesn't work.
Ironically then, win or lose, the Paul campaign is likely to be yet another piece of evidence that the American people have little interest in old-fashioned libertarianism as a governing philosophy. Either Paul will try to stick to his guns and he'll lose or, more likely -- because he's already started doing this -- he'll abandon those beliefs that make him unusual (and unusually despicable).
What ducking out on "Meet the Press" means is that he’s already recognized this problem and, self-pityingly, doesn't want to face up to it. It's quite a bind: to get what he wants, Paul inevitably will have to betray his dearest, most backward-looking beliefs. Facing the enormity of this, he's holed up. He wants his honeymoon, in the magical place where he can be a purist, faithful to the creed, without also being an unelectable monster. But he can't stay in Candyland until November, not if the press does one-tenth of its job. When he comes back to reality, we'll be waiting to hear from him. Ultimately, he'll have to answer, and not just to the press. Paul has to meet the people of Kentucky


golden ticket member
Bribery constitutes a crime and is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty. The bribe is the gift bestowed to influence the recipient's conduct. It may be any money, good, right in action, property, preferment, privilege, emolument, object of value, advantage, or merely a promise or undertaking to induce or influence the action, vote, or influence of a person in an official or public capacity.