How do you do that, in a free.... capitalist society ?
Amend the constitution ?
Here comes the "socialism" pitch....
If you want to "give up" your rights as a free American....
By all means, go live there.
Don't try and impose, your ill conceived thoughts on me or others.
It's beyond lame.
So countries like England, France, Germany, Japan, etc are NOT "free"?? That is silly. As for "capitalist", we do have public schools, public hospitals, public libraries,etc, yet most Americans are fine with that "socialism". This is 2015, not 1950. Americans are not scared by that word anymore.
You wouldn't have to amend the constitution. Congress would only have to amend the Medicare Law by striking the words "65 years or older".
I/we would not be "giving up" any rights. A matter of fact we would be expanding our rights. The only entities that would lose actual "rights" are the private insurance companies. Alas.
"Lame" would be keeping a system that doesn't cover all citizens and costs more per capita than any other major industrial country that implements a Single Payer System. Throwing the words "free" and "socialism" around are reactionary methods of scaring the populace into keeping the status quo. Just listen how some Republican reactionaries speak about unions as "socialistic" and taking away workers' "freedoms".