Why are all the anti Old Guard and Mafia posts deleted?


Well-Known Member

The "thousands" voted to implement the National Master Agreement.

Did you miss that part ?

I know you dont care about members votes because you are elected and forgot where you came from. In all years past every supplement had to pass for the national to be implemented. Stop acting like we don't know the rules BIG Union stiff

10 point

Well-Known Member
Better plans ?


Comparable.... sure.

Which regions and what were the differences?

Our old plan was better and less restrictive with providers.

Argue all you want to but with a few exceptions our old plan was better.

It's water over the bridge now. But the push back on that issue was truly wide spread.

I am trying to be respectful.
This is what many experienced.


Well-Known Member
Which regions and what were the differences?

Our old plan was better and less restrictive with providers.

Argue all you want to but with a few exceptions our old plan was better.

It's water over the bridge now. But the push back on that issue was truly wide spread.

I am trying to be respectful.
This is what many experienced.
In my opinion the biggest difference was with the company plan we could go to any doctor and not pay now we have to go to in network to not pay and now we have to pay for name brand meds but I talked to a couple of pharmacists and they said that's with all plans now........I just don't feel like it was that big a deal with the transformation of healthcare across the country