Why does UPS hate us so much????


That’s Craptacular
Why, why....cant there be any peace???
Rough day?


Well-Known Member
I know for a fact that upper management could care less about people like me with 20 yrs seniority, as well these part time sups. It's like a jealousy & envious thing. LOL

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Well-Known Member
I know UPS would love to have cheaper labor and no union. But why do they do everything in their power, to piss us off? I understand the need for production, but if you beat a dog, eventually he will bite you back!.......Look at Local 804, they got to the point where "enough Iis enough!" Where does it stop??.....your thoughts!??

Maybe you should be asking yourself why do I keep going back for more... You going to be telling yourself that there still not beating me hard enough to offset the pay and benefits yet.... When the beating gets bad enough for you to quit let us know.......

It's suppose to be give and take on both sides when one side only want to take and won't give problems arise...