How about;
* Rampant subcontracting and use of casual/part timers in Local 89.
* Long-term contracts (as high as 7 years) with starting wages set at the minimum wage.
* Contracts with a six-year wage progression.
* Contracts that allow merit pay in lieu of raises - giving management power
to decide who gets raises and who gets nothing. He also forfeited the right
to grieve or arbitrate managements decision on who gets merit pay.
* More 401(K)s and Company Pension Plans than Teamster Pension Plans.
* Failure to file proper paperwork to open a contract leading to a wildcat strike.
* Failure to organize - only organized 108 new members in the past 5 years.
Sounds exactly like what he accuses H&H of.
I'm sure FZ has his accomplishments. After all, he is President of a large Local.
But.... that hardly qualifies him to run the IBT, with an executive board comprised
of people with little or no experience at all.