Just like many have said before. You get what you pay for # FedEx Pride.Fred has just got to be BUSTING wide open with pride! I'd love to see this used in a commercial.... a UPS commercial
So would I. But could you imagine Fred salivating at a copyright infringement suit against UPS?Fred has just got to be BUSTING wide open with pride! I'd love to see this used in a commercial.... a UPS commercial
The government tells is everything is fine and that we are better off to let them run our lives because we aren't smart enough to make our own decisions. That bunker may come in handy one day when everything hits the fan.
ThsiWow, just, wow! Geniuses at work. Not only are they in their uniform, in their FedEx truck getting high, but they post it on the Internet!! I wonder if they know any words that don't start with friend, mf, or n? Their parents must be so proud. Our future. Sighhhhh.....
You get what you pay for. You plan is to force out responsible, family type employees and replace them for for CHEAP labor. It's no wonder your workers are becoming a ghetto/no English speaking work force. Next low life up LOL.Wow, just, wow! Geniuses at work. Not only are they in their uniform, in their FedEx truck getting high, but they post it on the Internet!! I wonder if they know any words that don't start with friend, mf, or n? Their parents must be so proud. Our future. Sighhhhh.....
Not fear. Reality.Yep job done. Selling fear.
Now here is a couple of Ground's finest.
So I don't know a lot abut the finer points of Rap, but is it OK to have a long pause punctuated with the word 'um'?
It's called freestyle and they are not very good at it or just too high or both.So I don't know a lot abut the finer points of Rap, but is it OK to have a long pause punctuated with the word 'um'?
That's the best laugh you've had? Oh my. You do live a sad, pathetiic existence.So I don't know a lot abut the finer points of Rap, but is it OK to have a long pause punctuated with the word 'um'?
But...you're at Express! It can't be so!We have a guy just like that at our station. A young punk who gets to wear his ear phones on the sort and walks around the station rapping out loud. Managers will not touch him. Welcome to the NEW Fedex
Not fear. Reality.
Fear disguised as reality.
Looks like my sarcasm went right over your head. Either that or you are overly defensive for some other reasons.That's the best laugh you've had? Oh my. You do live a sad, pathetiic existence.