I was thinking this morning...
I had always thought Trump had no shot at winning since he is the establishment's nightmare. Then I got to thinking, how could Trump extend an olive branch? Find a way to make Christie his VP candidate and I think the Repiblican party unites and wins handily in '16.
That's an interesting thought. I as well thought Trump had no shot, that this was all some PR thingy for his TV career or just some ego thing that he could say he ran for President. The Trump/Hillary conspiracy makes for some fun conversation, I love to hear the late Robert Anton Wilson take it for a conspiracy spin for laughs, but it just seems to me to be too problematic on several levels. But it does fit the Clintons and how they operate and I've seen this Trump/Hillary conspiracy theory suggested by people on both the right and the left so it does strike a nerve somewhere.
I'd be more suspect of Sanders who, to use wrestling terms, is suppose to "put over" Hillary per the democrat party "bookers" and then gatekeep the Occupy wing so those sheep don't "jump the fence" and run for 3rd party candidates or worse,
Vote for Nobody. If Trump does get the GOP nod, that economic elite money that Hillary is not yet already getting will come flooding in and Sanders can calm the masses and reassure everyone that all is well. Nothing to see here folks! Should Hillary win, she'll throw Sanders and the Occupiers a bone and then back to Wall Street business as usual while the masses of common folk continue to take it on the chin. On that last point, regardless of election outcome, I think you and I will both agree on that point.