So what does the republican voter get out of electing corporate and Tea Bag candidates ?
The end of SS, Medicare, Education, FDA, EPA, unregulated Wall Street and Banksters ? Doubtful, they will fall in line just like the other elected criminals...
Extended tax cuts for the super wealthy during wartime and nation building, which BTW was put on the tax payers's credit card with interest by the last Republicans?
Out sourcing ? Bring quality jobs back. Sorry, They've gone overseas. So what's in it for you besides "winning"?
Too many Americans don't really think, they have opinions, feelings. Television/Talk Radio created opinion, then reassurance and validation. Are they brainwashed by the Fox Nation and talking heads ? It is really more than that. IMO, people have lost their ability to relate the images of their own lives without television intervening. This really is what we mean when we say we have a wired society. When actually we are headed for an Orwellian society.
Americans, prepare to become serfs to the rich the GOP holds tax cuts for the rich as some sort of fix. THe GOP has taken pandering to the corporate money to a whole new level, against education, against healthcare reform, the worst economic plan in the history of man (supply side economics, thus ignoring the demand side). Day in and day out I watch the GOPtard slobber at the feet of the rich.
So Republicans ask yourself this question. Will you Govern in campaign mode for the next 2 years ? Or use your political capital to get things done on important issues and policy on both, the short term and long term scale ? We're all aware long term investments are not popular. We are a country of what can you do for me now. We must have instant gratification.
What did Majority Democrats do in the past 21 months with total Republican obsruction.....
What they accomplished was historical, unlike what Fox infuses into it's audience....
Equal pay act for women...
Credit Card reform....
FDA reform on tobacco....
Hate Crimes Bill......
Childrens Health Insurance....
Reshape Student Loans....
Bailing out the Auto Industry....
Clash for Clunkers....
Recovery Reinvestment Act "Stimulus"
A) largest tax CUT ever
B) largest investment in clean energy, ever
C) largest investment in Education ever
HealthCare Reform...Not single payer, not European style Gov't system
Financial Regulatory Reform Law "Wall Street Reform"
Approve the most funds ever for "Veterans Administration"Care..expanded acess and (additional funds for caregivers and female veterans)
Created 25 seperate tax cuts
Passed the most significant Land Conservation bill in 2 decades
Created a Consumer Financial Protection agency
Oh BTW...
Democrats shrank US spending, deficit in last fiscal year, figures ... in the process