Why would part timers stay in union?


Well-Known Member
PT was always meant to be a stepping stone to FT. People were not meant to be PT for 10, 15, 20 years. That's why they created 22.3 jobs.

That might have been the intention, but that isn't what actually happened.

And at this point, it is pretty clear it won't happen.

Time for change

Well-Known Member
Many of us lazy part timers go well beyond the 1500 hour full time threshold and get all the hours we can. Simply want a catch up raise equivalent to what those that haven’t worked a day at ups are getting. Otherwise a no vote and if that doesn’t work, some of us will get our raise by not paying union dues. I’d rather pay union dues but will draw the line in the sand.


Well-Known Member
Many of us lazy part timers go well beyond the 1500 hour full time threshold and get all the hours we can. Simply want a catch up raise equivalent to what those that haven’t worked a day at ups are getting. Otherwise a no vote and if that doesn’t work, some of us will get our raise by not paying union dues. I’d rather pay union dues but will draw the line in the sand.


"PT" is more of a classification than an actual description at this point. 3.5 might be the minimum, but you're pushing the definition of "part time" once you cross the six hour mark.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Many of us lazy part timers go well beyond the 1500 hour full time threshold and get all the hours we can. Simply want a catch up raise equivalent to what those that haven’t worked a day at ups are getting. Otherwise a no vote and if that doesn’t work, some of us will get our raise by not paying union dues. I’d rather pay union dues but will draw the line in the sand.
I have many members, both FT and PT, say they are going to drop out of the Union because of a decision that they disagreed with. A better way would be to become involved in your Local Union and try to change things from within. I agree with most things you are saying (except the part about freezing red circle PT wages) and have said the same things for decades.


Well-Known Member
The contract does nothing for current part timers. I don't think they lied as much as they ignored our concerns. I don't think current part timers could care less about what the new hires are making. Not sure why all negotiations on behalf of part timers went towards something none of them care about. Raising the starting wage by 5.50 and not giving any kind of catch up to current part timers actually made it worse. I'd rather keep the old contract

What does a catch up raise actually mean? I’m being sincere.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member

"PT" is more of a classification than an actual description at this point. 3.5 might be the minimum, but you're pushing the definition of "part time" once you cross the six hour mark.
I have heard PT air drivers ask if they are eligible for 8 hr request or 9.5 protection.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Clearly the IBT has betrayed current part timers. I’ve always been pro union but if they betray us, why stay? Management can’t afford to lose people as they can’t even get enough workers and keep them, so not worried at all about being terminated for no reason. I want to be part of the union and pay my share towards it, but not a union that has not negotiated with current part timers in mind that want/need to stay part time. I hope if there is no catch up raise for current part timers, the union gets totally screwed by that and the anger of giving more to people that have not worked a day for the company over those with many years of service becomes their undoing. We matter too
On the east coast they get medical and a pension.

Time for change

Well-Known Member
Part time car washer- I’m fine with red circled getting the raise too as there are very few actual red circled part timers. The problem with giving red circled part timers a raise like that is they would be about equal to full scale driver. I could understand that being a problem. Obviously all red circled part timers will be gone in next 5 years. I have voiced my concerns and it’s led nowhere, leaving union and not paying dues is last resort, you can only wait so many years and contracts for change before other options become necessary.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Clearly the IBT has betrayed current part timers. I’ve always been pro union but if they betray us, why stay? Management can’t afford to lose people as they can’t even get enough workers and keep them, so not worried at all about being terminated for no reason. I want to be part of the union and pay my share towards it, but not a union that has not negotiated with current part timers in mind that want/need to stay part time. I hope if there is no catch up raise for current part timers, the union gets totally screwed by that and the anger of giving more to people that have not worked a day for the company over those with many years of service becomes their undoing. We matter too
I will never be in a union


I'm a star
2033 I’ve been here a fair amount of time and probably understand the pay and progression of the various jobs about as well as anyone. The long term part timers are in a position that we will never ever be in even if we stay 35 years. Like I said they are within a few dollars of full scale driver, many of us are $10-15 per hour away. And if we keep getting same raises as drivers, that’s where we will finish even with 35 years of service. The gap widened and starting pay didn’t change for 20 years so that’s why middle seniority part timers are where we are. There is more of us than you think and you’ll see our voices being heard, and eventually you’ll wish you had our vote or dues. So thats the problem very long term part timers are doing great and now new hires and recently hired get huge raise but in the middle we are getting screwed. I lost my husband and am working two jobs and 7 days a week almost every week of the year while raising two daughters so spare me and others that can’t drive the full time lecture, those of us in the middle are getting royally screwed.

I'm not arguing that you shouldn't get what you are asking for, just don't think all the logic you are using to justify it lines up. And @MyTripisCut was talking about what full time drivers topped out at when he started.

Actually, you will probably make more. Starting rate when I came in was 14.75 and topped at 26 and change. Technically we are all on a progression to the current rate. And that was a two year progression.

That may be, I hadn't done all the calculations adjusting for inflation.


Ya I guess. To answer the OP, we stand by the union because without the union we probably wouldn't get breaks or overtime pay.

Really? Please point me in the direction of all these non union jobs where employees don't get breaks. Overtime maybe....but that's still a stretch.


Well-Known Member
What will probably have to happen is we will have to sacrifice a lot of part time jobs and have the remaining part timers paid much much better to offset the difference.


Well-Known Member
What will probably have to happen is we will have to sacrifice a lot of part time jobs and have the remaining part timers paid much much better to offset the difference.
Your getting 8 hrs! Your getting 8 hrs! Your getting 8 hrs....*hybrid jobs


Well-Known Member
I read an old thread that was describing what the negotiating was like between company and Ibt and it made sense.....when you know your enemy is making a big mistake you just keep your mouth shut and let them make the mistake. It was funny......but kinda sad.
That was me. Don't interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.


New Member
Meh I just left the union and moved to a non-union job. I was making 12/hr at 3 & 2/3rds years. California changed the min wage so I been making only a dollar over new hires. UPS was already one of the lowest paying warehousing jobs in the areas (most start at 15-18) plus fast food workers are getting paid better now which wasn't the case when I started. Was on the fence about it because of the benefits and using driver as a fall back if I cant find a job after i finish school but after I saw the 13hr thing, I have no regrets. No more labor, higher base rate and better hours. been taking home over double of what I was making before and quality of life has improved drastically. Economically and self-growth wise it was just more beneficial to jump ship.

Being in the union as a PT is being at the bottom of the food chain and fighting for any scraps that get thrown to you. Mostly directed at younger people, If you have the education or skills to move into non-dead-end positions where you can advance, you should try to even if you aren't finished with school. Just talk to people at work in management, people are willing to help you.
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