Depends where you live, might have to work 40 hours. But many of us work 30 hours part time with UPS so wouldn’t be huge jump in hours. All kinds of places. I know I am chastised constantly on here. I provided for my children and also was an actual parent and was there for them after school and putting them to bed. I would have loved a 22.3 job, but even if I could pass DOT physical, there is no way I’d have been a driver as a single parent I’d have missed being a parent all together and not knowing whether I’m getting home at 5 or 10:30 wouldn’t work for my vision of what being a parent is. The Laguna, BUG, TonyQ types have no idea what it’s like being a single mother. They should be ashamed of themselves, but out of touch, fat, white Teamsters can’t really see past their own life situation. I’ve worked just as many hours as a driver but 6-7 days a week with set hours. Not exactly the easy life like the out of touch guys on here portray.