Anonymous 10
I bet it buys a lot of others. At least you hit the big time. I'm so fortunate to have met you.70 cents an hour wont buy my vote and I live in the most expensive part of the country...what else u got???
I bet it buys a lot of others. At least you hit the big time. I'm so fortunate to have met you.70 cents an hour wont buy my vote and I live in the most expensive part of the country...what else u got???
The majority have spoken. What else do you need?? I think you are a sore looser. Get over it. I can't wait till all these par timers and driver who live far far beyond their means figure out they don't get their raise August 1st. Can't wait to here them bitch. Give it 4 or five months and they will be dying to vote yes.In the Game...u forgot to add the lowest percentage ever...just trying to help u out
70 cents an hour wont buy my vote and I live in the most expensive part of the country...what else u got???...and Steward my property taxes r probably more than your mortgage...and still a NO vote...
Drivers not part timers.A part-timer living far beyond their means?
Is that your delusional opinion or do you have some kind of inside knowledge.
No one except the trolls have linked Obamacare as having anything to do with your contract.
Is that also your philosophy during the presidential election? Do you know why every person gets one vote? Highest compensation ever and you refer to it as garbage? Some people think they will hold the master TA hostage. Ain't happening. If your supplement was voted down, your supplement will be addressed.I just dont even get why anyone would sell out and vote yes on this garbage contract. I guess it goes back to self greed and selfishness i guess.
Is that also your philosophy during the presidential election? Do you know why every person gets one vote? Highest compensation ever and you refer to it as garbage? Some people think they will hold the master TA hostage. Ain't happening. If your supplement was voted down, your supplement will be addressed.
Is that also your philosophy during the presidential election? Do you know why every person gets one vote? Highest compensation ever and you refer to it as garbage? Some people think they will hold the master TA hostage. Ain't happening. If your supplement was voted down, your supplement will be addressed.
Give me a break. Your healthcare is fine. Don't come in with that crap. We're just trying to make it better for us, like yours. So just sit back and wait. Hell you Might even get a big check after this is all done.Is that also your philosophy during the presidential election? Do you know why every person gets one vote? Highest compensation ever and you refer to it as garbage? Some people think they will hold the master TA hostage. Ain't happening. If your supplement was voted down, your supplement will be addressed.
Actually, I have an approved TA by majority. You have a voted down supplement. I have a shop full of guys that do not fear their job because I help them grieve. You are a focused politician that can't answer a question directly. Good luck with your wage giveback. I'm 1000% sure that will never happen. Ever!What is it about this contract rejection that you dont understand? It isnt about the money. Its about our insurance in the WEST and other affected locals. In the west, believe me, If "WE" could keep our UPS insurance, we would vote for a complete give back of the $3.90 and then where would YOU be?
If that happens, and believe me, we have already made that suggestion, and in the new agreement, you would have to accept a ZERO raise so "WE" can keep our insurance, what would you do then?
Would you still ride the "this is a great contract train?"
I doubt it. You just have a big mouth and nothing to back it up.
At the very least the union should have said................................We will give you more time..........................just back off of our members,.......Do you hear sell out or fixed election???.......I do..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoffa its time to go.! and take Hall with you!!!!!!!!!!!Your house should always be in order if you work at UPS. I feel for the part-timers. When I started in 1979 I made $16 an hour plus benefits. Ken H should have been removed when he gave that away to UPS but the members keep sending him and Hoffa back to screw them again. I was glad to see some members finally grew some balls and vote down the supplements. Too bad the whole thing wasn't voted down but then who would know if it was. The deck is stacked against you guys but in my experience TDU will keep them accountable as much as that is possible. I started out with Ken H and retired from his local and it has truly been sad watching him as he sells his soul more each year. He was the best union guy I ever knew until he got intertwined with Hoffa and company. One can only hope that somewhere in there is still the guy that cares about workers. I don't think his dad would like the man that he has become as he was also a good union man from WV
$16.00 an hour in 1979? I don't think so. I could look through some of my old check stubs but does not sound right. Any old guys remember? My local voted down both the master and supplement because of Teamcare. In the central region.
I started in 1977 and I'm thinking more like $6.00 an hour. I worked the preload and we made about $.55 less than drivers. About normal union wages back then. Tells you how much things have changed for the working man in this country.$16 in 1979 sounds too high. I forget what top rate was when I started in 1977 but when I went full time in 1985 top rate was only 14 and change ( maybe $14.21).
The rate for FT Pkg was $10.38 in May of '79.(Central region)$16.00 an hour in 1979? I don't think so. I could look through some of my old check stubs but does not sound right. Any old guys remember? My local voted down both the master and supplement because of Teamcare. In the central region.
implement a single payer/medicare for all system so that neither ups nor the union can play politics with our health care!!