I can't wait for the pictures of the majestic animal you blew away with a high powered rifle. This, of course, is assuming you are gracious enough to get a center mass "kill shot" on a defenseless animal.
But wait......it is probably more fun to wound such a beautiful creature. That way you can experience the zen of chasing it through the brush and thicket as it tries to escape you before the blood completely drains from its body.
After the last shred of life has left its body, you can mount it and proudly tell stories to your friends around the fireplace about what an adventure it was and how it aroused your primordial instincts.
You go big man!
If you are a vegan/vegetarian who does not eat meat, fish, eggs or dairy products of any kind....or wear leather...or use medications that have been tested on animals...and you also keep your pets on a strict vegan regimen instead of giving them normal dog or cat food...then I can respect your opinion even if I do not share it.
If, on the other hand, you have no problem buying your packaged meat, eggs, medicine, milk or pet food at the store as long as you can remain blissfully ignorant of where it came from and how it was made...you are a hypocrite and I would respectfully ask you to STFU.
Statistical fact;
over half of all deer and elk that were born this spring will die of starvation or disease this winter. A good portion of those that survive will be eaten alive by cougars or other predators. Nature is a rough place whether men with guns hunt in it or not. There arent any nursing homes for wild animals to peacefully grow old in, and real life isnt like the Bambi cartoons that you apparently base your opinions on. If you want to discuss enviornmental destruction, habitat loss or the inhumane conditions in factory farms I will probably be in agreement with you on those issues, but please dont criticize me simply because I choose to hunt for the meat I eat instead of paying a butcher to do it for me.