Wondering How The UPS Contract Was Negotiated?


Well-Known Member
To ensure the best possible contract was negotiated for Teamster members, the Teamsters National Negotiating Committee (NNC) was comprised of UPS Teamsters from across the country. The NNC has 79 individuals with 1,215 collective years of working at UPS, including two active delivery stewards with more than 60 years on the job.

The NNC asked Teamster members and locals to submit proposals for changes they would like to see in the contract. Those proposals were reviewed by representatives from each Teamsters local union with UPS members and served to create the initial list of proposals that were provided to UPS.

UPS also had its first offer. As you can imagine, there were proposals to put profits over workers. Many proposals focused on the issue of weekend delivery, including the use of part timers or even non-bargaining unit workers to make deliveries and changes to the work week with limited premium pay.

The NNC spent six months negotiating with UPS to protect Teamster members and get the best possible contract. During this time numerous proposals from both parties were vigorously debated.

On June 5, 2018, UPS Teamsters voted to authorize strike action, giving the NNC the leverage they needed at a critical time in the negotiations. And on June 21, 2018, the NNC announced an “agreement in principle” on that contract with UPS.

On August 9, 2018, representatives from each Teamsters local union with UPS members met in Chicago to review the contract. The vast majority of local representatives supported the contract and voted to send it to the members to vote. T

he NNC was successful in pushing back the first offer from UPS to get a final contract that provides quality health care with no premium, funding for pensions, increases in wages, and limits on excessive overtime and protections from harassment.



Well-Known Member
UPS: Heres our offer to the NNC and the leadership chain to sell out the members.

Teamsters: That's outrageous we will push for a strike.

UPS: ok ok add %10 and a jet skis for all

Teamsters: Jet skis and hookers and it's a deal.

UPS: Deal!!

Teamsters: heres the greatest contract ever.. no need to read it you can trust us.. vote yes and sign here!


Gone Fish'n
To ensure the best possible contract was negotiated for Teamster members, the Teamsters National Negotiating Committee (NNC) was comprised of UPS Teamsters from across the country. The NNC has 79 individuals with 1,215 collective years of working at UPS, including two active delivery stewards with more than 60 years on the job.

The NNC asked Teamster members and locals to submit proposals for changes they would like to see in the contract. Those proposals were reviewed by representatives from each Teamsters local union with UPS members and served to create the initial list of proposals that were provided to UPS.

UPS also had its first offer. As you can imagine, there were proposals to put profits over workers. Many proposals focused on the issue of weekend delivery, including the use of part timers or even non-bargaining unit workers to make deliveries and changes to the work week with limited premium pay.

The NNC spent six months negotiating with UPS to protect Teamster members and get the best possible contract. During this time numerous proposals from both parties were vigorously debated.

On June 5, 2018, UPS Teamsters voted to authorize strike action, giving the NNC the leverage they needed at a critical time in the negotiations. And on June 21, 2018, the NNC announced an “agreement in principle” on that contract with UPS.

On August 9, 2018, representatives from each Teamsters local union with UPS members met in Chicago to review the contract. The vast majority of local representatives supported the contract and voted to send it to the members to vote. T

he NNC was successful in pushing back the first offer from UPS to get a final contract that provides quality health care with no premium, funding for pensions, increases in wages, and limits on excessive overtime and protections from harassment.

Wonder if they’ll continue to post after this trash is voted down.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Comes off as a stupid good cop / bad cop story those dummies came up with to make it look like the Union was doing Union karate or something while it and the Company were actually just sitting around giving each other handies the whole time.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
To ensure the best possible contract was negotiated for Teamster members, the Teamsters National Negotiating Committee (NNC) was comprised of UPS Teamsters from across the country. The NNC has 79 individuals with 1,215 collective years of working at UPS, including two active delivery stewards with more than 60 years on the job.

Selected and served at the will of the General President, in which several were promptly thrown off the committees.

The NNC asked Teamster members and locals to submit proposals for changes they would like to see in the contract. Those proposals were reviewed by representatives from each Teamsters local union with UPS members and served to create the initial list of proposals that were provided to UPS.

Then thrown into the trash.

UPS also had its first offer. As you can imagine, there were proposals to put profits over workers. Many proposals focused on the issue of weekend delivery, including the use of part timers or even non-bargaining unit workers to make deliveries and changes to the work week with limited premium pay.

As usual, to be expected.

The NNC spent six months negotiating with UPS to protect Teamster members and get the best possible contract. During this time numerous proposals from both parties were vigorously debated.

Maybe next time start a year ahead.

On June 5, 2018, UPS Teamsters voted to authorize strike action, giving the NNC the leverage they needed at a critical time in the negotiations. And on June 21, 2018, the NNC announced an “agreement in principle” on that contract with UPS.

It took the NNC only 17 days to handshake on a agreement after the "Strike" vote. Maybe they should of waited till l August for a better deal with the full knowledge of extending the contract

On August 9, 2018, representatives from each Teamsters local union with UPS members met in Chicago to review the contract. The vast majority of local representatives supported the contract and voted to send it to the members to vote. T

A vocal vote without any indication of the percentages of the "Yeas" and "Nays". Define vast majority again?

he NNC was successful in pushing back the first offer from UPS to get a final contract that provides quality health care with no premium, funding for pensions, increases in wages, and limits on excessive overtime and protections from harassment.

We still have a annual deductible, just how good of a Health and Welfare package can we get on the open market with the company providing over 22,000 annually.

If their was in increase of funding on pensions why are there some members who will not see any increases in their pension benefit, were did that annual 21,000 monetary contribution go into and why is it that some members are getting twice as much for the same number of service years?

The GWI will not be enough provide real wage improvements with consideration of the cost of living and inflation over the next five years. The members who are counting on their overtime to cover their living standards might be in for a surprise.

The 70 hour/7 day workweek is still in affect during peak season. These new 22.4s' will get hammered and basically will have no free time or family life, most will jump at the opportunity to be paid actual and leave before their 8 hour daily commitment, much like our current 22.3s.

Protections from harassment...What new language provides for that..Central Supplement 17i..


Sorry....See Above Again...


Got the T-Shirt


Well-Known Member
Just like in politics, the system is broken, the people in charge, have been in charge too long and have lost touch with what the hard working men and women go through every day. They have made too many “friends and connections” that bend their ears and decisions in directions that dont benefit thier constituents.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
UPS: Heres our offer to the NNC and the leadership chain to sell out the members.

Teamsters: That's outrageous we will push for a strike.

UPS: ok ok add %10 and a jet skis for all

Teamsters: Jet skis and hookers and it's a deal.

UPS: Deal!!

Teamsters: heres the greatest contract ever.. no need to read it you can trust us.. vote yes and sign here!
how about 20 grand for every year of service and full benefits


Got the T-Shirt
Just like in politics, the system is broken, the people in charge, have been in charge too long and have lost touch with what the hard working men and women go through every day.

With that logic....

Fred Z should have been gone long ago.

And, he was never a UPS member !




Well-Known Member
Obese corporate guy sat across a $1000 dinner, per plate, from obese Union guy.

Both made a lot of money doing nothing.

One you view as the enemy. The other, you bought his dinner.

Any more questions?


Well-Known Member
How the NNC thought that they could sell us a contract that;
1. Has no catch-up raises for P/ts.
2. 2 tier pay for 22.4 and if that's bad enough they get no 9.5 protection..
3. No pension raises for 25 and out for the second contract.
4. The memorandum of understanding on the pension. Just to name a few..
Shows how out of touch they are?

Over disciplined0123

Well-Known Member
To ensure the best possible contract was negotiated for Teamster members, the Teamsters National Negotiating Committee (NNC) was comprised of UPS Teamsters from across the country. The NNC has 79 individuals with 1,215 collective years of working at UPS, including two active delivery stewards with more than 60 years on the job.

The NNC asked Teamster members and locals to submit proposals for changes they would like to see in the contract. Those proposals were reviewed by representatives from each Teamsters local union with UPS members and served to create the initial list of proposals that were provided to UPS.

UPS also had its first offer. As you can imagine, there were proposals to put profits over workers. Many proposals focused on the issue of weekend delivery, including the use of part timers or even non-bargaining unit workers to make deliveries and changes to the work week with limited premium pay.

The NNC spent six months negotiating with UPS to protect Teamster members and get the best possible contract. During this time numerous proposals from both parties were vigorously debated.

On June 5, 2018, UPS Teamsters voted to authorize strike action, giving the NNC the leverage they needed at a critical time in the negotiations. And on June 21, 2018, the NNC announced an “agreement in principle” on that contract with UPS.

On August 9, 2018, representatives from each Teamsters local union with UPS members met in Chicago to review the contract. The vast majority of local representatives supported the contract and voted to send it to the members to vote. T

he NNC was successful in pushing back the first offer from UPS to get a final contract that provides quality health care with no premium, funding for pensions, increases in wages, and limits on excessive overtime and protections from harassment.

I believe it was negotiated in Mr Abneys backyard by the pool drinking and I would hope to think that the Teamster Leades drinks were roofied by UPS management And that could explain everything

Over disciplined0123

Well-Known Member
Just like in politics, the system is broken, the people in charge, have been in charge too long and have lost touch with what the hard working men and women go through every day. They have made too many “friends and connections” that bend their ears and decisions in directions that dont benefit thier constituents.
I guess we can agree on the system being broken but we can not just sit and let it happen . I believe we need term limits on local officials to keep the wheels spinning with new ideas and tactics at local level each year these local officials are giving them selfs 10 to 30 g a years raises while doing less and less . It is very hard to run against a leader that has been in office for over 20 years ,and I know that first hand from running against them .. They made a mistake and forgot to give us 1/3 of the member and company uodaated lists , which apparently why we lost. Something first needs to be done at the international level .. when we lost Ron Carey we lost a lot of power it seems

Over disciplined0123

Well-Known Member
I guess we can agree on the system being broken but we can not just sit and let it happen . I believe we need term limits on local officials to keep the wheels spinning with new ideas and tactics at local level each year these local officials are giving them selfs 10 to 30 g a years raises while doing less and less . It is very hard to run against a leader that has been in office for over 20 years ,and I know that first hand from running against them .. They made a mistake and forgot to give us 1/3 of the member and company uodaated lists , which apparently why we lost. Something first needs to be done at the international level .. when we lost Ron Carey we lost a lot of power it seems
We at UPS are the ones that are keeping this International a float I believe we deserve a little more respect then we are getting . We need a strong contract to send a message . When you get us that mabey we will see fed ex and amazon and Walmart employees unionizing

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