Well that was a minute of wasted bullThat's not true. Politifact and Politico are nothing but lies. This should've been made obvious when Trump ran unless you believe the Russians hacked our election -- in that case; I can't help you. Hitler promoted the ideal of the 'Aryan race' often for populism but 'non-Aryans' were not taken to concentration camps. If you research it, all of the so-called death camps were in East Germany and the so- called Holocaust was promoted by the Soviets.
If you research it, you'll find "6 million Jews dead" in multiple articles dating back to 1904. I'm not saying Jews were not harassed in the Weimar Republic, but the number of Jews killed is more likely around 200,000 and they died due to a Typhus outbreak and Allied bombing, not mass murder, like the 50 million Europeans who died in that war. Germany didn't even have enough fuel to burn 6 million Jews and I imagine the fuel went to their rockets and jet fighters -- not burning Jews for no reason.
Hitler was a man that cared about his country. His doctor prescribed him methamphetamine in 1941 and that lead to bad strategic decisions. If you doubt what I say, look up what General Patton had to say, he was the man that 'won' the war and we killed him for it