Abolishing 'White guilt' and potentially Catholicism as they're cuckservatives who read from the Jewish bible (which Jesus rejected). Free speech including politically in-correct speech. No such thing as "hate speech". I imagine most of you don't know the truth about the founder of Protestantism so just type into Google "the jews and their lies". Protestantism was meant to protect western civilization and it worked for hundreds of years, until recently.
You think I'm insane. I just want people to learn the truth, and also, start fighting for their rights without having to join one of the false-movements such as '#occupywallst' which are simply just false opposition and a distraction. I want people to say "hey. Walmart/Facebook/etc, get the

out of my town". Oligopolies only employ a fraction of employees per dollar in relation to small and medium business. Mega corps are terrible for us.
But as the disclaimer says; I never post sober.