What you said isn't making sense to me. OUR portion of the pension isn't underfunded by 45%, the ENTIRE plan is underfunded by 45%. As you stated, those funds are not earmarked just for us, so the withdrawal payment raises the funding of the entire plan. Thus, the 6 billion payment makes the entire plan healthier. People are under the misguided impression that it's UPS' responsibility to bring it up to 100%. There are other companies that still have to pay into the fund, why aren't the teamsters squeezing them to pour more money into it? Why are we the cash cow? I've read talk of Yellow wanting out of CS too. If that happens, it can only HELP the fund by adding more upfront cash to the plan. If the UPS payment brings it up to 70%, why can't Yellow get it up to 85 or 90% if they want out? If they choose to stay in, then squeeze THEM for the increased contributions.