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I'm not starting one of those need advice threads, just curious what others would do. Satellite route up for bid. I thought about it but it's just not worth it to me but another guy really wants it. We talked about it but the pros just don't outweigh the cons.
Average stops between 25-40 stops. Lots of mileage between 300-400 everyday. Satellite center is 45 minutes away so you will have to drive there yourself.
Way less stops (more seat less feet)
Only 4 businesses with no bulk
Managers will not go there except for safety ride
You are the only driver so seniority and vacations are never an issue
Drive your own car 40-50 miles each way everyday
Later start time, later finish time plus drive back home
Lot of miles driving to stops
A 14hr day means you could be out until 0100hrs
90% driving on dirt and unmaintained roads
Sparse cell coverage
Very extended emergency response time (medical, police, tow trucks)
Average stops between 25-40 stops. Lots of mileage between 300-400 everyday. Satellite center is 45 minutes away so you will have to drive there yourself.
Way less stops (more seat less feet)
Only 4 businesses with no bulk
Managers will not go there except for safety ride
You are the only driver so seniority and vacations are never an issue
Drive your own car 40-50 miles each way everyday
Later start time, later finish time plus drive back home
Lot of miles driving to stops
A 14hr day means you could be out until 0100hrs
90% driving on dirt and unmaintained roads
Sparse cell coverage
Very extended emergency response time (medical, police, tow trucks)