El Correcto
god is dead
The robber already had his gun drawn.Are you asking if I can recreate that exact scenario? Of course I can't but anyone with an ounce of common sense would agree that if he tried to pull out his gun to shoot either or both of the perps WHO ALREADY HAD THEIR GUNS DRAWN he would have been dead and tossed out the door without getting a single shot off.
People say that had Colorado allowed CCW that the shootout at the movie theater could have either been greatly diminished or completely avoided. No way. Try to imagine getting a clean shot in the chaotic scene that ensued after the shooting began.
The good thing about armed felons is it’s hard to go to gun ranges to practice. If the Chicago death to injury ratio has proved anything it’s that these hoodlums can’t shoot for

That FedEx guy drew on the perp got off some fatal hits and survived.